English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2768

186901	24038	家程良いところはない。	mookeee	There is no place like home.	Eldad	1
192033	24038	わが家にまさる所はない。	mookeee	There is no place like home.	Eldad	1
192034	24038	わが家にまさる所なし。	mookeee	There is no place like home.	Eldad	1
0	4496724	0	0	There is no proof that Tom committed that crime.	CK	1
0	4502674	0	0	There is no public transportation around here.	CK	1
1765065	69892	あなたが誰かに劣等感を感じる理由はないのです。	bunbuku	There is no reason for you to feel inferior to anyone.	CK	1
120206	283803	彼が辞職しなければならない理由はない。	bunbuku	There is no reason why he should resign.	CK	1
77681	326037	例外のない規則はありません。	mookeee	There is no rule without exceptions.	CM	1
2250865	326037	例外のない規則はない。	tommy_san	There is no rule without exceptions.	CM	1
467328	25759	もう塩がない。	Namikaze	There is no salt left.	CK	1
0	4501948	0	0	There is no schedule.	CK	1
171672	242804	今日は学校がない。	bunbuku	There is no school today.	CK	1
217882	55192	これらの主張には科学的な根拠がない。	mookeee	There is no scientific basis for these claims.	CM	1
0	3309210	0	0	There is no significant difference.	CK	1
3573464	23884	火のないところに煙は立たぬ。	tommy__san	There is no smoke without fire.	AlanF_US	1
120570	283439	彼が何時にやって来るかは分からない。	bunbuku	There is no telling what time he will come.	CM	1
80330	71840	明日何が起きるのか誰にもわからない。	bunbuku	There is no telling what will happen tomorrow.	CK	1
0	847128	0	0	There is no third choice.	Source_Benedict_1921	1
80908	63030	無駄にする時間はない。	tommy__san	There is no time to lose.	CK	1
225692	63030	ぐずぐずしてる暇はない。	bunbuku	There is no time to lose.	CK	1
0	4494586	0	0	There is no timetable.	CK	1
147374	267186	助けを求めて叫んでも無駄だぞ。誰にも聞こえやしない。	bunbuku	There is no use crying for help. No one will hear you.	CK	1
197251	34433	ビンに水は残っていない。	Blanka_Meduzo	There is no water left in the bottle.	Swift	1
0	270745	0	0	There is no water.	CK	1
0	2208749	0	0	There is no way I'm letting you do this alone.	CK	1
0	242914	0	0	There is no wind today.	Eldad	1
0	986464	0	0	There is no wine in that bottle.	CK	1
235545	72924	2つの意見に大した差はない。	bunbuku	There is not much difference between the two opinions.	CM	1
220242	57562	この二つは大同小異だ。	bunbuku	There is not much difference between the two.	CK	1
1193492	57562	この二つに大差はない。	bunbuku	There is not much difference between the two.	CK	1
1193493	57562	この二つに大きな違いはない。	bunbuku	There is not much difference between the two.	CK	1
0	67698	0	0	There is not much hope.	CK	1
120222	283787	彼が時間通りにくる可能性はあまりない。	bunbuku	There is not much possibility of his coming on time.	CK	1
0	4876192	0	0	There is nothing like the smell of roasted coffee.	meirad	1
149154	265403	謝るしかない。	bunbuku	There is nothing to do but apologize.	CK	1
0	65943	0	0	There is nothing to it.	CK	1
109333	294357	彼は何処も悪くない。	bunbuku	There is nothing wrong with him.	CK	1
0	2252617	0	0	There is nothing.	CK	1
0	1807161	0	0	There is one book here.	pne	1
0	2892117	0	0	There is one catch.	CK	1
0	5088062	0	0	There is one difference.	CK	1
0	2892118	0	0	There is one possibility.	CK	1
0	1898181	0	0	There is one problem.	CK	1
0	2892119	0	0	There is one solution.	CK	1
2580967	2400073	1つ分からないことがあります。	tommy_san	There is one thing I don't understand.	CK	1
0	2015247	0	0	There is one thing I want to ask.	CK	1
0	4272298	0	0	There is one thing that I don't understand.	abeskies	1
0	4494715	0	0	There is one vacancy.	CK	1
207651	1545144	その島には一軒しか店がない。	bunbuku	There is only one store on the whole island.	CK	1
0	268664	0	0	There is plenty of food.	CK	1