English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2779

0	4493817	0	0	There were too many children in the pool.	CK	1
0	3898291	0	0	There were too many of them.	AlanF_US	1
2459175	2592720	人が多過ぎました。	saturo	There were too many people.	WestofEden	1
418272	372013	そこには約20人の人がいました。	qahwa	There were twenty or so people there.	saeb	1
235882	73263	1992年には、大学志願者の数は1982年の2倍となった。	mookeee	There were twice as many university applicants in 1992 as in 1982.	CK	1
0	20501	0	0	There were two abstentions.	NekoKanjya	1
0	806839	0	0	There were two bridges.	Source_VOA	1
0	430064	0	0	There were two cakes.	witbrock	1
206999	44249	その部屋には200人の人々がいた。	mookeee	There were two hundred people in the room.	CK	1
172453	242022	今月は殺人事件が2件あった。	mookeee	There were two murders this month.	CK	1
0	1097173	0	0	There were two pieces of cake.	ArizonaJim	1
0	2252628	0	0	There were witnesses.	CK	1
0	4011889	0	0	There weren't any witnesses.	CK	1
0	3732234	0	0	There weren't many boys at the picnic.	CK	1
0	4493808	0	0	There will always be some kind of problem.	CK	1
0	3826193	0	0	There will be a blizzard.	CK	1
0	3015886	0	0	There will be a cake.	CM	1
179618	18476	金曜日の晩に高校でダンスパーティーがある。	bunbuku	There will be a dance Friday night at the high school.	CK	1
0	4493791	0	0	There will be a total solar eclipse tomorrow.	CK	1
0	2892136	0	0	There will be an investigation.	CK	1
0	2287014	0	0	There will be consequences.	CK	1
0	2892137	0	0	There will be difficulties.	CK	1
0	4500227	0	0	There will be improvements.	CK	1
0	5135821	0	0	There will be many restrictions.	CK	1
0	1977543	0	0	There will be milk and cookies.	Spamster	1
0	3821745	0	0	There will be new opportunities.	CK	1
0	4665724	0	0	There will be no compromise.	CK	1
0	5090007	0	0	There will be no exceptions.	CK	1
0	2663297	0	0	There will be no more problems.	CK	1
0	4493908	0	0	There will be no school tomorrow.	CK	1
0	3825809	0	0	There will be other chances.	CK	1
0	4850022	0	0	There will be other deals.	CK	1
0	3821746	0	0	There will be other opportunities.	CK	1
80652	463456	明日、雪が降るだろう。	bunbuku	There will be snow tomorrow.	CK	1
0	3820427	0	0	There will be some surprises.	CK	1
0	5135822	0	0	There will be tough competition.	CK	1
0	2276875	0	0	There won't be a choice.	CK	1
0	1624132	0	0	There won't be a next time.	fanty	1
0	2276874	0	0	There won't be any more lessons.	CK	1
0	2663217	0	0	There won't be any more problems.	CK	1
0	4012947	0	0	There won't be any need for that.	CK	1
0	4013030	0	0	There won't be any need to do that.	CK	1
0	5096625	0	0	There won't be any surprises.	CK	1
0	5096624	0	0	There won't be anything left.	CK	1
0	4502874	0	0	There won't be enough food for everyone.	CK	1
0	4502848	0	0	There won't be enough water for everyone.	CK	1
0	4657432	0	0	There won't be so many people there.	Lazovic	1
0	50990	0	0	There you are.	CK	1
0	4016006	0	0	There'll be a lot of expenses.	CK	1
0	455491	0	0	There'll be a problem.	FeuDRenais	1