English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 29

0	5103503	0	0	Are any of you hurt?	CK	1
235470	72848	2人とも行く用意はできていますか。	arnab	Are both of you ready to go?	CK	1
0	2988310	0	0	Are both of you really named Tom?	CK	1
0	4017149	0	0	Are both of your sisters as beautiful as you are?	CK	1
0	4011717	0	0	Are both of your sisters as beautiful as you?	CK	1
0	4124544	0	0	Are dragons real?	Hybrid	1
0	27111	0	0	Are drinks free?	CK	1
0	4744158	0	0	Are eggs a good source of protein?	CK	1
0	4017111	0	0	Are fireworks legal in Australia?	CK	1
0	3738526	0	0	Are Mary and Alice really sisters?	CK	1
0	3738524	0	0	Are Mary and Alice sisters?	CK	1
0	268725	0	0	Are meals included?	CK	1
0	4500044	0	0	Are my children OK?	CK	1
0	2673768	0	0	Are my clothes already dry?	Joseph	1
0	4011769	0	0	Are my clothes dry yet?	CK	1
0	3170753	0	0	Are my ears red?	CK	1
0	18088	0	0	Are my socks dry already?	CK	1
0	2263567	0	0	Are rabbits able to swim?	CK	1
0	64172	0	0	Are sandwiches OK for lunch?	CK	1
179318	18175	空席はありますか。	Ianagisacos	Are seats available?	CK	1
0	3738356	0	0	Are the children already asleep?	CK	1
0	3738355	0	0	Are the children asleep?	CK	1
0	3738357	0	0	Are the children really asleep?	CK	1
0	4502940	0	0	Are the elevators working?	CK	1
0	2050612	0	0	Are the Giants playing tonight?	CK	1
0	5067535	0	0	Are the kids home from school yet?	CK	1
0	4013587	0	0	Are the muffins ready?	CK	1
0	4014553	0	0	Are the police going to arrest me?	CK	1
80546	1474128	明日の準備はできた?	tommy_san	Are the preparations for tomorrow complete?	CK	1
886085	1474128	明日の準備できた?	bunbuku	Are the preparations for tomorrow complete?	CK	1
0	3819517	0	0	Are the shops open today?	CK	1
0	3738053	0	0	Are the trout biting?	CK	1
0	3822981	0	0	Are the windows all locked?	CK	1
0	3024507	0	0	Are there a lot of tall buildings in Boston?	CK	1
0	4736669	0	0	Are there always so many people here?	paper1n0	1
0	2986242	0	0	Are there any apples on the tree?	CK	1
237412	57756	この店にはバッグがありますか。	mookeee	Are there any bags in this shop?	CM	1
0	3086008	0	0	Are there any bananas?	CK	1
997189	953095	この辺りに熊は出ますか?	mookeee	Are there any bears around here?	CK	1
0	4494021	0	0	Are there any better options?	CK	1
0	4663323	0	0	Are there any Chinese restaurants near here?	CK	1
3587770	3571922	クラスにかわいい子いる?	tommy_san	Are there any cute girls in your class?	Hybrid	1
3748885	3753285	ボストン-シドニー間の直行便はありますか?	tommy_san	Are there any direct flights between Boston and Sydney?	CK	1
220983	58305	この図書館には英語の雑誌がありますか。	bunbuku	Are there any English magazines in this library?	CK	1
0	4494297	0	0	Are there any exceptions?	CK	1
0	4662883	0	0	Are there any French magazines in your school library?	CK	1
0	4011761	0	0	Are there any girls here you haven't met yet?	CK	1
0	4014440	0	0	Are there any girls here you haven't yet met?	CK	1
172373	1341128	今週はよい映画が上映されてますか。	bunbuku	Are there any good movies being shown this week?	CK	1
0	4962870	0	0	Are there any hidden fees?	CK	1