English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 3593
0 2400233 0 0 Tom isn't much younger than Mary. CK 1
0 2541691 0 0 Tom isn't much younger than me. CK 1
0 2539979 0 0 Tom isn't much younger than we are. CK 1
0 2645846 0 0 Tom isn't my assistant. CK 1
0 2646942 0 0 Tom isn't my brother. CK 1
0 4016554 0 0 Tom isn't my brother. He's my cousin. CK 1
0 2647490 0 0 Tom isn't my client. CK 1
0 3921456 0 0 Tom isn't my cousin. CK 1
0 5147317 0 0 Tom isn't my enemy. CK 1
0 2647489 0 0 Tom isn't my father. CK 1
0 4803255 0 0 Tom isn't my father. He's my uncle. CK 1
0 2647488 0 0 Tom isn't my friend. CK 1
0 2646941 0 0 Tom isn't my patient. CK 1
0 2646940 0 0 Tom isn't my problem. CK 1
0 3067375 0 0 Tom isn't my responsibility anymore. CK 1
0 2643586 0 0 Tom isn't my responsibility. CK 1
0 2648691 0 0 Tom isn't my son. CK 1
0 4803256 0 0 Tom isn't my son. He's my nephew. CK 1
0 2648338 0 0 Tom isn't my type. CK 1
0 5109545 0 0 Tom isn't naive anymore. CK 1
0 3171279 0 0 Tom isn't naive. CK 1
0 2236995 0 0 Tom isn't naked. CK 1
0 3171278 0 0 Tom isn't nasty. CK 1
0 3413321 0 0 Tom isn't naughty. CK 1
0 3171277 0 0 Tom isn't neat. CK 1
0 3171276 0 0 Tom isn't nice. CK 1
0 2236996 0 0 Tom isn't normal. CK 1
0 2957381 0 0 Tom isn't normally a violent person. CK 1
0 2236997 0 0 Tom isn't nuts. CK 1
0 3413134 0 0 Tom isn't obedient. CK 1
0 3921541 0 0 Tom isn't often invited to parties. CK 1
0 2236998 0 0 Tom isn't OK. CK 1
0 2743550 0 0 Tom isn't old enough to buy beer. CK 1
0 4803257 0 0 Tom isn't old enough to get a driver's license yet. CK 1
0 3923562 0 0 Tom isn't old enough to go there by himself. CK 1
0 1093393 0 0 Tom isn't old enough to go to school. CK 1
0 3921174 0 0 Tom isn't old enough to have a driver's license. CK 1
0 1024685 0 0 Tom isn't old enough to understand this. CK 1
0 3449251 0 0 Tom isn't old enough to vote. CK 1
0 2236999 0 0 Tom isn't old. CK 1
0 3725663 0 0 Tom isn't on any medication. CM 1
0 2647926 0 0 Tom isn't on drugs. CK 1
0 4815269 0 0 Tom isn't on Facebook. CK 1
0 3408979 0 0 Tom isn't on the baseball team. CK 1
0 4013106 0 0 Tom isn't on the volleyball team. CK 1
0 3023553 0 0 Tom isn't one of them. CK 1
0 3023552 0 0 Tom isn't one of us. CK 1
0 1874263 0 0 Tom isn't one to complain. CK 1
0 1874264 0 0 Tom isn't one to gossip. CK 1
0 3736154 0 0 Tom isn't only friendly, he's also generous. CK 1