English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 440

235230	72607	4億人の人が英語を第一言語として話します。	bunbuku	Four hundred million people speak English as their first language.	CK	1
1005967	1333500	4は日本では不吉な数字だ。	mookeee	Four is an unlucky number in Japan.	CK	1
0	684586	0	0	Four of my favorite Christmas carols are "Silent Night," "Joy to the World," "The First Noel" and "Away in the Manger."	CK	1
1082394	1082843	事故を起こしたとき、車には4人が乗っていた。	mookeee	Four people were in the car when the accident happened.	CK	1
0	72538	0	0	Four times five is twenty.	CK	1
225985	425812	キツネは野生動物です。	bunbuku	Foxes are wild animals.	blay_paul	1
0	2563623	0	0	Frank Zappa was an American musician.	CK	1
78307	325410	率直に言うと、彼は信頼できない男だ。	mookeee	Frankly speaking, he is an unreliable man.	CM	1
1836389	1839102	率直に言って、彼は間違っている。	TomoyukiTanaka	Frankly speaking, he's wrong.	CK	1
78297	325420	率直に言って、彼の新しい小説はあまりおもしろくない。	mookeee	Frankly speaking, his new novel is not very interesting.	CK	1
78313	325404	率直にいえば、私はあなたに同意できない。	mookeee	Frankly speaking, I don't agree with you.	CK	1
78298	1308112	率直に言って、彼が嫌いだ。	mookeee	Frankly speaking, I don't like him.	CK	1
234521	1308112	あからさまに言えば彼は嫌いだ。	Blanka_Meduzo	Frankly speaking, I don't like him.	CK	1
78302	1308115	率直に言って、その考えは気に入らない。	mookeee	Frankly speaking, I don't like the idea.	CK	1
78300	325417	率直に言って、私はあなたが好きではありません。	mookeee	Frankly speaking, I don't like you.	CK	1
78301	325416	率直に言って、君のヘアースタイルは好きじゃないよ。	mookeee	Frankly speaking, I don't like your haircut.	CK	1
78296	1397674	率直に言ってあなたの考えが気に入りません。	mookeee	Frankly speaking, I don't like your idea.	CK	1
2287973	4574323	ぶっちゃけお前に教師の素質はないと思う。	tommy_san	Frankly speaking, I don't think you have what it takes to become a teacher.	CK	1
78299	325418	率直に言って、私は彼と一緒に働きたくない。	bunbuku	Frankly speaking, I don't want to work with him.	CK	1
1097580	325418	はっきり言うと、私は彼と一緒に働きたくありません。	bunbuku	Frankly speaking, I don't want to work with him.	CK	1
78304	325413	率直に言えば、私は彼が嫌いです。	mookeee	Frankly speaking, I hate him.	CK	1
78312	325405	率直にいえばなぜ君が行きたいのか理解しにくい。	mookeee	Frankly speaking, it's difficult to understand why you want to go.	CK	1
78305	325412	率直に言えば、この小説はあまり面白くない。	mookeee	Frankly speaking, this novel isn't very interesting.	CK	1
0	2396046	0	0	Frankly, I don't care.	CK	1
234521	71897	あからさまに言えば彼は嫌いだ。	Blanka_Meduzo	Frankly, I don't like him.	CK	1
0	5265819	0	0	Frankly, I don't like it.	CK	1
0	4622605	0	0	Frankly, I find that hard to believe.	Hybrid	1
0	4664503	0	0	Frankly, I'm not overly concerned.	CK	1
0	3724191	0	0	Frankly, Tom didn't try hard enough.	CM	1
741165	785460	無料の忠告はいつでも良いとは限りません。	arihato	Free advice isn't always good advice.	hrin	1
3069860	785460	只で得られる助言は、常に良い助言であるとは限りません。	nnaffu	Free advice isn't always good advice.	hrin	1
0	5135477	0	0	Free parking will be available.	CK	1
0	5135014	0	0	Free snacks will be provided.	CK	1
174673	239796	言論の自由が制限されている国もある。	bunbuku	Freedom of speech is restricted in some countries.	CK	1
3598851	1829479	フランスパンは美味しい。	arnab	French bread is delicious.	Spamster	1
0	2857324	0	0	French is a difficult language.	AlanF_US	1
0	3895124	0	0	French is a hard language, isn't it?	Joseph	1
0	4663387	0	0	French is a very difficult language for me.	CK	1
0	2424260	0	0	French is a very interesting language.	CK	1
0	4664502	0	0	French is an interesting language.	CK	1
2844915	2844960	フランス語は決して難しい言語ではありません。	tommy_san	French is definitely not a difficult language.	CK	1
0	2424281	0	0	French is definitely not the easiest language to learn.	CK	1
0	34149	0	0	French is difficult to learn.	CK	1
0	2451514	0	0	French is difficult, isn't it?	CK	1
0	2739215	0	0	French is difficult.	CK	1
196973	465088	フランス語は彼女の母語だ。	Blanka_Meduzo	French is her first language.	Swift	1
196973	465087	フランス語は彼女の母語だ。	Blanka_Meduzo	French is her native language.	Swift	1
0	2451513	0	0	French is my favorite subject.	CK	1
0	4665568	0	0	French is my native language.	CK	1
3474854	2451257	フランス語は、それほど習得が難しいわけではない。	arnab	French is not all that difficult to learn.	CK	1