English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 4452
0 4499193 0 0 What happens after that? CK 1
0 3129948 0 0 What happens after we leave? CK 1
0 3129293 0 0 What happens at 2:30? CK 1
0 3129949 0 0 What happens if I get caught? CK 1
2976525 1682302 このボタンを押したらどうなるんですか? tommy_san What happens if I press this button? Spamster 1
0 3129474 0 0 What happens if I say no? CK 1
0 3129950 0 0 What happens if that happens? CK 1
0 3131619 0 0 What happens if Tom doesn't pass? CK 1
0 3129611 0 0 What happens if Tom doesn't show up? CK 1
0 3129574 0 0 What happens if Tom loses? CK 1
0 3129343 0 0 What happens if we fail? CK 1
0 3129951 0 0 What happens if we get caught? CK 1
0 3131618 0 0 What happens if we get infected? CK 1
0 3129952 0 0 What happens if you get wet? CK 1
0 3129325 0 0 What happens next time? CK 1
0 1532177 0 0 What happens next? Spamster 1
0 1841540 0 0 What happens now? CK 1
0 3820012 0 0 What happens then? CK 1
0 4499204 0 0 What happens this week? CK 1
0 3131617 0 0 What happens to me isn't important. CK 1
0 2599054 0 0 What happens today? CM 1
0 1886733 0 0 What happens tomorrow? CK 1
0 3129475 0 0 What happens when we die? CK 1
0 3129953 0 0 What happens when we run out of water? CK 1
0 3129499 0 0 What happens when you die? CK 1
0 3424392 0 0 What harm could it do? CK 1
0 4937845 0 0 What has actually happened here? CK 1
3553364 3553359 あれから何が変わった? arnab What has changed since then? vvv123 1
0 3129476 0 0 What has happened to Tom? CK 1
4824 2254558 何が起きたの? bunbuku What has happened? CK 1
188026 2254558 何が起こったのですか。 tommy_san What has happened? CK 1
188031 2254558 何が起こったの? tommy_san What has happened? CK 1
0 2892589 0 0 What has that got to do with anything? CK 1
0 2892590 0 0 What has this got to do with it? CK 1
0 4495452 0 0 What has Tom accomplished? CK 1
0 4529720 0 0 What has Tom been accused of? CK 1
0 3738039 0 0 What has Tom been doing? CK 1
0 3738348 0 0 What has Tom been up to? CK 1
0 4890059 0 0 What has Tom done lately? CK 1
0 2646216 0 0 What has Tom done now? CK 1
0 4889770 0 0 What has Tom done wrong? CK 1
0 4498061 0 0 What has Tom done? CK 1
0 2892591 0 0 What has Tom said? CK 1
0 2892592 0 0 What has Tom seen? CK 1
0 3201050 0 0 What has Tom told you about me? CK 1
0 4529331 0 0 What has violence ever accomplished? CK 1
0 2276439 0 0 What have I done wrong? Hybrid 1
0 971169 0 0 What have I done? ednorog 1
0 3394342 0 0 What have I ever done to Tom? CK 1
0 3822937 0 0 What have I got to lose? CK 1