English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 4457
0 2630537 0 0 What is a think tank? al_ex_an_der 1
0 2892600 0 0 What is all that stuff? CK 1
0 2892601 0 0 What is all that? CK 1
0 57982 0 0 What is all the fuss about? CK 1
0 2892602 0 0 What is all this stuff? CK 1
0 1886730 0 0 What is all this? CK 1
0 1126754 0 0 What is aspirin made of? CK 1
0 1656446 0 0 What is bullfighting? CK 1
0 35203 0 0 What is butter made of? CK 1
0 3571935 0 0 What is critical thinking? Hybrid 1
174294 20094 後悔先に立たず。 tommy__san What is done cannot be undone. Zifre 1
2871410 20094 覆水盆に返らず。 tommy__san What is done cannot be undone. Zifre 1
224576 1886729 ここで何が起こっているのですか。 bunbuku What is going on here? CK 1
228910 25158 いったい何が起こっているのか。 bunbuku What is going on? CK 1
0 25310 0 0 What is happening? CK 1
423644 404565 幸せって何だ? mookeee What is happiness? telsfbay 1
423645 404565 幸せって何なんだろう? bunbuku What is happiness? telsfbay 1
423646 404565 幸福って何? bunbuku What is happiness? telsfbay 1
423649 404565 幸せって何だろう? bunbuku What is happiness? telsfbay 1
423650 404565 幸せって何だっけ? mookeee What is happiness? telsfbay 1
0 294323 0 0 What is he after? CK 1
0 294312 0 0 What is he doing? CK 1
1370649 294314 彼は何を言いたいのでしょうか。 bunbuku What is he driving at? CK 1
111450 284377 彼はどんな人ですか。 bunbuku What is he like? CK 1
109363 294327 彼は何を追っているのですか。 mookeee What is he running after? CK 1
109368 294268 彼は何を企んでいるんだ。 bunbuku What is he up to? CK 1
80778 287637 名前は何ですか。 wat What is his name? CK 1
116032 287637 彼の名前は何ですか。 bunbuku What is his name? CK 1
2125129 287637 彼の名前は? bunbuku What is his name? CK 1
118033 285631 彼の奥さんはどんな人? bunbuku What is his wife like? CK 1
147963 266596 重要なのは、何冊本を読むかでなく、どんな本を読むかである。 mookeee What is important is not how many books you read, but what books you read. CK 1
188093 25231 何がその机の中にありますか。 bunbuku What is in the desk? CK 1
1317144 25231 その机の中に何があるのですか。 bunbuku What is in the desk? CK 1
2446307 25231 机には何が入ってるの? tommy_san What is in the desk? CK 1
125522 278470 庭には何がありますか。 bunbuku What is in the garden? CK 1
3320916 57513 箱の中身は何? Tadafumi What is in this box? CK 1
3484226 57513 この箱には何が入ってるの? tommy_san What is in this box? CK 1
0 2648239 0 0 What is it called? CK 1
0 2647810 0 0 What is it exactly? CK 1
0 3738435 0 0 What is it for? CK 1
0 3737794 0 0 What is it like? CK 1
0 464586 0 0 What is it made of? lukaszpp 1
0 2647324 0 0 What is it now, Tom? CK 1
0 1937392 0 0 What is it now? Beatminister 1
0 2150421 0 0 What is it really about? Hybrid 1
0 5136144 0 0 What is it that bothers you? honestlang 1
0 3738313 0 0 What is it that Tom wants to do? CK 1
0 3738612 0 0 What is it that Tom wants to eat? CK 1
0 3738542 0 0 What is it that Tom wants? CK 1
0 2642824 0 0 What is it that we have to do? CK 1