English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 4460

142734	271836	生徒の人数は何人ですか。	mookeee	What is the total number of students?	CK	1
1117487	271836	生徒は全部で何人ですか?	mookeee	What is the total number of students?	CK	1
1117489	271836	学生は全部で何人ですか?	mookeee	What is the total number of students?	CK	1
1728940	271836	生徒の総数はいくらですか?	mookeee	What is the total number of students?	CK	1
0	3068259	0	0	What is there to discuss?	Hybrid	1
0	3365628	0	0	What is this about?	CK	1
0	1324497	0	0	What is this all about?	Scott	1
220315	348057	この動物は日本語で何と言いますか。	bunbuku	What is this animal called in Japanese?	Hertz	1
222367	471458	この魚は英語でなんといいますか。	bunbuku	What is this fish called in English?	CK	1
0	1886726	0	0	What is this for?	CK	1
0	482376	0	0	What is this nonsense?	adjusting	1
0	831806	0	0	What is this notebook for?	Swift	1
0	1324330	0	0	What is this place?	Scott	1
0	614399	0	0	What is this thing called?	Mayo	1
0	1445157	0	0	What is this thing for?	CK	1
0	2647806	0	0	What is this thing?	CK	1
0	1573743	0	0	What is this vase made of?	trieuho	1
187850	392210	何ですか。	nihonjin	What is this?	sysko	1
217564	392210	これ何?	bunbuku	What is this?	sysko	1
0	1549991	0	0	What is Tom doing here?	Spamster	1
0	2717885	0	0	What is Tom eating?	CK	1
0	5220152	0	0	What is Tom really like?	CK	1
0	4017431	0	0	What is Tom so mad about?	CK	1
0	2892603	0	0	What is Tom to you?	CK	1
0	1092123	0	0	What is Tom trying to say?	CK	1
0	3200928	0	0	What is Tom trying to tell me?	CK	1
0	1553321	0	0	What is Tom's girlfriend's name?	CK	1
0	4016025	0	0	What is Tom's job exactly?	CK	1
0	2247029	0	0	What is two times two?	Amastan	1
0	370710	0	0	What is your address?	saeb	1
233360	372352	あなたの血液型は何ですか。	bunbuku	What is your blood type?	contour	1
3252952	372352	血液型何型?	tommy_san	What is your blood type?	contour	1
0	2647320	0	0	What is your choice?	CK	1
0	3622884	0	0	What is your commission?	karloelkebekio	1
1446302	703328	生年月日はいつ?	bunbuku	What is your date of birth?	papabear	1
0	2646213	0	0	What is your decision?	CK	1
0	1854012	0	0	What is your dream?	drjuly	1
0	1886725	0	0	What is your emergency?	CK	1
2759287	2569031	好きな動物は何ですか?	tommy_san	What is your favorite animal?	Hybrid	1
0	680371	0	0	What is your favorite bird?	Source_VOA	1
0	954552	0	0	What is your favorite holiday?	CK	1
0	1553320	0	0	What is your greatest strength?	CK	1
0	1553319	0	0	What is your greatest weakness?	CK	1
0	1295333	0	0	What is your house like?	crnel727	1
0	2648238	0	0	What is your idea?	CK	1
0	2646212	0	0	What is your job, Tom?	CK	1
0	2646749	0	0	What is your mission?	CK	1
5061	70623	あなたの名前は?	bunbuku	What is your name?	sacredceltic	1
80778	70623	名前は何ですか。	wat	What is your name?	sacredceltic	1
226572	70623	お名前は?	bunbuku	What is your name?	sacredceltic	1