English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 4477

0	4012384	0	0	What time do you want to meet tomorrow?	CK	1
0	2014047	0	0	What time do you want to meet?	CK	1
0	4012217	0	0	What time do you want to pick me up?	CK	1
0	24568	0	0	What time does boarding begin?	CK	1
0	4256368	0	0	What time does class begin?	JFMorais	1
1545518	24546	何時に閉まりますか。	bunbuku	What time does it close?	CK	1
0	24558	0	0	What time does it open?	CK	1
0	24572	0	0	What time does it start?	CK	1
0	4012386	0	0	What time does our plane leave tomorrow?	CK	1
184404	21531	学校は何時に始まりますか。	bunbuku	What time does school begin?	CK	1
0	5144446	0	0	What time does school start in the morning?	Barra	1
0	2892628	0	0	What time does that contest start?	CK	1
0	2050619	0	0	What time does that play start?	CK	1
1115376	1115369	あのレストランは何時に閉まるの?	mookeee	What time does that restaurant close?	CK	1
0	264290	0	0	What time does the airport bus leave?	CK	1
0	2707208	0	0	What time does the bank open?	CK	1
0	35334	0	0	What time does the bus leave?	CK	1
0	281939	0	0	What time does the club open?	CK	1
0	4013232	0	0	What time does the concert start?	CK	1
0	4013224	0	0	What time does the first game start?	CK	1
237332	245548	始発は何時に出ますか。	mookeee	What time does the first train leave?	CK	1
0	47284	0	0	What time does the game start?	CK	1
0	2718938	0	0	What time does the market open?	CK	1
0	4013223	0	0	What time does the meeting start?	CK	1
0	3647240	0	0	What time does the movie begin?	CK	1
4265918	4051598	映画は何時に始まりますか。	tommy_san	What time does the movie start?	CK	1
0	4014818	0	0	What time does the next bus leave?	CK	1
401622	401621	次の電車は何時発ですか。	mookeee	What time does the next train leave?	CK	1
3116527	3116534	駐車場は何時まで開いてますか?	tommy_san	What time does the parking lot close?	CK	1
0	4013222	0	0	What time does the party start?	CK	1
184928	22058	開演は何時ですか。	tommy__san	What time does the play begin?	Dejo	1
0	238465	0	0	What time does the play start?	CK	1
0	4013220	0	0	What time does the talent show start?	CK	1
0	2706707	0	0	What time does the train leave?	CK	1
223005	60336	このレストランは何時に閉まりますか。	mookeee	What time does this restaurant close?	CK	1
0	1892016	0	0	What time does your class end?	CK	1
0	2954152	0	0	What time does your first class start?	CK	1
0	70418	0	0	What time does your plane depart?	CK	1
0	1477960	0	0	What time is breakfast?	CK	1
0	4817033	0	0	What time is brunch?	CK	1
0	4053866	0	0	What time is check out?	CK	1
79087	39680	夕食は何時ですか。	bunbuku	What time is dinner served?	CK	1
79087	24573	夕食は何時ですか。	bunbuku	What time is dinner?	CK	1
79089	24573	夕食は何時でしょう。	bunbuku	What time is dinner?	CK	1
0	1399884	0	0	What time is good for you?	enteka	1
0	2892629	0	0	What time is it anyway?	CK	1
2225406	17108	あなたの時計では何時ですか。	Blanka_Meduzo	What time is it by your watch?	papabear	1
0	3023199	0	0	What time is it in Boston now?	CK	1
3477199	2882527	ボストンはいま何時?	arnab	What time is it in Boston?	CK	1
3050854	3023198	ボストンは今何時ですか?	tommy_san	What time is it now in Boston?	CK	1