English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 4501
118453 1035154 彼の最新の小説は何ですか。 bunbuku What's his most recent novel? CK 1
0 2170516 0 0 What's his name again? freddy1 1
116032 1886702 彼の名前は何ですか。 bunbuku What's his name? CK 1
2125129 1886702 彼の名前は? bunbuku What's his name? CK 1
236967 1892317 重要なのはゴールではなく、そこに至る道程である。 mookeee What's important is not the goal, but the journey. CK 1
137442 1396357 大切なのはどの大学を出たかではなくて、大学で何を学んだかである。 bunbuku What's important isn't which university you've graduated from, but what you learned while you were there. CK 1
0 3818045 0 0 What's important to you? CK 1
0 2870232 0 0 What's in all these boxes? CK 1
0 264764 0 0 What's in front of you? CK 1
0 2647312 0 0 What's in here, Tom? CK 1
0 2549585 0 0 What's in here? CK 1
0 2647311 0 0 What's in it for me? CK 1
0 2647310 0 0 What's in it for us? CK 1
0 2476857 0 0 What's in it for you? arnxy20 1
0 4074363 0 0 What's in that bottle? CK 1
0 3825696 0 0 What's in that closet? CK 1
0 3825500 0 0 What's in that cupboard? CK 1
0 2648230 0 0 What's in the bag? CK 1
0 2646737 0 0 What's in the basket? CK 1
0 2486670 0 0 What's in the beach bag that's in the trunk of your car? CK 1
0 4012031 0 0 What's in the bottle is just water. CK 1
0 2646736 0 0 What's in the bottle? CK 1
0 44474 0 0 What's in the box? CK 1
0 2645181 0 0 What's in the briefcase? CK 1
0 1841535 0 0 What's in the bucket? CK 1
0 2547473 0 0 What's in the closet? CK 1
0 2646735 0 0 What's in the coffee? CK 1
0 2645645 0 0 What's in the envelope? CK 1
0 2647797 0 0 What's in the file? CK 1
0 5048528 0 0 What's in the fridge? CK 1
0 4494662 0 0 What's in the garage? CK 1
0 2646200 0 0 What's in the package? CK 1
0 2647796 0 0 What's in the sack? CK 1
0 2647309 0 0 What's in the truck? CK 1
0 1886701 0 0 What's in there? CK 1
0 3738462 0 0 What's in these boxes? CK 1
0 450136 0 0 What's in this bag? CK 1
0 4015843 0 0 What's in this box could be worth a fortune. CK 1
3484226 2647795 この箱には何が入ってるの? tommy_san What's in this box? CK 1
0 2646199 0 0 What's in this closet? CK 1
0 2646198 0 0 What's in this drawer? CK 1
0 4048961 0 0 What's in this stew? CK 1
0 3738454 0 0 What's in those cases? CK 1
0 5087370 0 0 What's in your backpack? jhomel 1
0 2548480 0 0 What's in your bag? CK 1
0 2647308 0 0 What's in your hand? CK 1
0 2646197 0 0 What's in your pocket? CK 1
2479361 2487726 スーツケースには何を入れてるの? tommy_san What's in your suitcase? CK 1
0 1886700 0 0 What's it about? CK 1
0 2713668 0 0 What's it all about? CK 1