English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 4656
0 2210884 0 0 Why don't you sit down? CK 1
0 2210885 0 0 Why don't you sit here a moment? CK 1
0 2210886 0 0 Why don't you sit here? CK 1
0 2210887 0 0 Why don't you sit right there on the couch? CK 1
0 3121740 0 0 Why don't you sit with Tom? CK 1
0 2210888 0 0 Why don't you slow down a little bit? CK 1
0 2210889 0 0 Why don't you spend more time with Tom? CK 1
0 2210890 0 0 Why don't you spend some time with Tom? CK 1
0 4012116 0 0 Why don't you spend the night with us? CK 1
0 2210891 0 0 Why don't you start at the beginning? CK 1
0 2210892 0 0 Why don't you start by telling us how you feel? CK 1
0 2210893 0 0 Why don't you start by telling us what you saw? CK 1
0 2210894 0 0 Why don't you start by telling us where you went? CK 1
0 2210895 0 0 Why don't you start by telling us who went with you? CK 1
0 3044406 0 0 Why don't you start talking first? CK 1
0 2210896 0 0 Why don't you start? CK 1
0 2210897 0 0 Why don't you stay a minute? CK 1
0 2210898 0 0 Why don't you stay a while? CK 1
0 2210899 0 0 Why don't you stay and drink some wine with us? CK 1
0 2210900 0 0 Why don't you stay here? CK 1
0 2210901 0 0 Why don't you stay there? CK 1
0 4083547 0 0 Why don't you stay with me for a few days? CK 1
0 2210902 0 0 Why don't you stay with us for a few weeks? CK 1
0 2210903 0 0 Why don't you stick around for a few minutes? CK 1
0 4888513 0 0 Why don't you stop it? CK 1
0 2210904 0 0 Why don't you stop worrying and get some sleep? CK 1
0 34146 0 0 Why don't you study French? CK 1
2225499 2225500 ここらで一服してはいかがですか? tommy_san Why don't you take a break now? CK 1
0 2210905 0 0 Why don't you take a break? CK 1
0 2210906 0 0 Why don't you take a closer look? CK 1
0 2936076 0 0 Why don't you take a hike? CK 1
0 2210907 0 0 Why don't you take a look at this data? CK 1
0 2545065 0 0 Why don't you take a nap? CK 1
0 2210908 0 0 Why don't you take a picture? CK 1
0 2210909 0 0 Why don't you take a seat here? CK 1
0 1218290 0 0 Why don't you take a taxi? CM 1
0 2544484 0 0 Why don't you take a walk? CK 1
3798942 2144030 コート脱いだら? tommy_san Why don't you take off your coat? CK 1
0 2935676 0 0 Why don't you take off your hat? CK 1
0 2210910 0 0 Why don't you take off? CK 1
0 2210911 0 0 Why don't you take over? CK 1
0 2935653 0 0 Why don't you take some time off? CK 1
0 243009 0 0 Why don't you take the day off? CK 1
0 2210912 0 0 Why don't you take the rest of the day off? CK 1
0 4141314 0 0 Why don't you take this medicine for a few days and let's see if it works? CK 1
0 2210913 0 0 Why don't you take Tom? CK 1
3798942 2210914 コート脱いだら? tommy_san Why don't you take your coat off? CK 1
0 2210646 0 0 Why don't you take your jacket off? CK 1
3023116 4533457 熱計ってみたら? tommy_san Why don't you take your temperature? CK 1
0 2210915 0 0 Why don't you talk it over with Tom? CK 1