English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 4660
0 4502439 0 0 Why is anybody surprised? CK 1
0 3730586 0 0 Why is anyone here? CM 1
0 4502443 0 0 Why is anyone surprised? CK 1
0 4666848 0 0 Why is change so hard? CK 1
0 954681 0 0 Why is eating too much salt bad for you? CK 1
0 4016544 0 0 Why is everybody crying? CK 1
0 3396757 0 0 Why is everybody here? CK 1
0 3738153 0 0 Why is everybody hugging Tom? CK 1
0 4015429 0 0 Why is everybody in here? CK 1
3553009 3554426 なんでみんな笑ってんの? tommy_san Why is everybody laughing? CK 1
0 4013476 0 0 Why is everybody running? CK 1
0 4013309 0 0 Why is everybody shouting? CK 1
3553008 3583331 なんでみんな拍手してんの? tommy_san Why is everyone applauding? mikecash 1
0 4496563 0 0 Why is everyone clapping? CK 1
0 3255021 0 0 Why is everyone crying? _undertoad 1
0 4500534 0 0 Why is everyone laughing? CK 1
3555734 3552666 どうしてみんな、これがそんなに気になるんだろう? arnab Why is everyone so concerned about this? CK 1
0 3555989 0 0 Why is everyone so excited? CK 1
0 5126178 0 0 Why is everyone so mean to me? Hybrid 1
0 3738678 0 0 Why is everyone so quiet? CK 1
0 5096595 0 0 Why is everyone so surprised? CK 1
0 3554422 0 0 Why is everyone so tense? CK 1
0 2997033 0 0 Why is everyone staring at me? CK 1
0 3552668 0 0 Why is everyone staring at Tom? CK 1
0 4016415 0 0 Why is everything different? CK 1
0 3738736 0 0 Why is everything so difficult? CK 1
0 4498393 0 0 Why is exercise important? CK 1
0 2486743 0 0 Why is fish so expensive? Hybrid 1
3840235 3174092 なんでフランス語ってこんな難しいんだろう。 tommy_san Why is French so difficult? CK 1
109422 2720229 彼は何で忙しいの? bunbuku Why is he busy? WestofEden 1
0 36344 0 0 Why is he here? CK 1
0 4494211 0 0 Why is history important? CK 1
0 5134828 0 0 Why is insurance important? CK 1
0 5132668 0 0 Why is insurance so important? CK 1
0 3737997 0 0 Why is it a good thing? CK 1
0 2647257 0 0 Why is it dangerous? CK 1
0 2649067 0 0 Why is it dark? CK 1
0 2648878 0 0 Why is it empty? CK 1
0 2649066 0 0 Why is it here? CK 1
0 3737802 0 0 Why is it important to recycle? CK 1
0 3738902 0 0 Why is it important to save money? CK 1
0 2647256 0 0 Why is it important? CK 1
0 2648599 0 0 Why is it locked? CK 1
0 5010247 0 0 Why is it my fault? CK 1
0 2663574 0 0 Why is it my problem? CK 1
0 2648198 0 0 Why is it my turn? CK 1
0 3142534 0 0 Why is it out of the question? CK 1
0 4666297 0 0 Why is it so complicated? CK 1
0 4015430 0 0 Why is it so dark in here? CK 1
0 38789 0 0 Why is it so hot? CK 1