English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 4719

174810	239658	言い過ぎですよ。	tommy__san	You are going too far.	CK	1
4751820	4663257	フランス語お上手ですね。	tommy_san	You are good at speaking French, aren't you?	CK	1
179324	18181	空耳ですよ。	mookeee	You are hearing things.	Zifre	1
0	1334508	0	0	You are his brother, right?	CK	1
0	1895822	0	0	You are impossible.	CK	1
177476	16326	君は安全な場所にいる。	bunbuku	You are in a safe place.	CK	1
0	2548469	0	0	You are in my seat.	CK	1
0	1296	0	0	You are in my way.	CK	1
0	3358610	0	0	You are in over your head.	CK	1
126684	277403	遅刻したね。	mookeee	You are late.	CK	1
1590325	277404	遅いよ。会議は三十分前に終わったよ。	bunbuku	You are late. The meeting finished thirty minutes ago.	CK	1
0	2545061	0	0	You are lost, aren't you?	CK	1
0	64274	0	0	You are lying to me.	CK	1
0	26653	0	0	You are lying.	CK	1
0	50480	0	0	You are mistaken about that.	CK	1
3556329	20116	おまえは俺の無二の親友だ。	arnab	You are my best friend.	CK	1
0	2548468	0	0	You are my friends.	CK	1
0	2547998	0	0	You are my prisoner.	CK	1
0	69737	0	0	You are no longer a baby.	CK	1
0	64884	0	0	You are no longer a child.	CK	1
177552	16403	君はもう子供ではない。	bunbuku	You are not a child any more.	CK	1
177552	69745	君はもう子供ではない。	bunbuku	You are not a child anymore.	CK	1
0	16281	0	0	You are not a coward.	CK	1
0	69692	0	0	You are not a doctor.	CK	1
231798	69165	あなたは生徒ではありません。	mookeee	You are not a student.	CK	1
0	9590	0	0	You are not at all wrong.	CK	1
231691	69057	あなたは日本人ではありません。	arihato	You are not Japanese.	CK	1
184478	21607	学校でたばこを吸ってはいけないことになっている。	bunbuku	You are not supposed to smoke at school.	CK	1
1204082	21607	学校でタバコを吸ってはいけません。	bunbuku	You are not supposed to smoke at school.	CK	1
1204084	21607	学校でたばこ吸うのはまずいよ。	mookeee	You are not supposed to smoke at school.	CK	1
224615	61940	ここでは煙草は禁止されています。	bunbuku	You are not supposed to smoke here.	CK	1
84122	319593	部屋を出てはいけません。	bunbuku	You are not to leave your room.	CM	1
0	16387	0	0	You are now an adult.	CK	1
0	279220	0	0	You are on the wrong train.	CK	1
0	2892983	0	0	You are one of us.	CK	1
0	265742	0	0	You are only young once.	CK	1
1278772	16780	君はなかなかの男だな。	bunbuku	You are quite a man.	CK	1
0	32528	0	0	You are quite right.	CK	1
0	1358622	0	0	You are really annoying.	CK	1
0	3238863	0	0	You are safe here.	CK	1
0	15799	0	0	You are selling him short.	CK	1
0	2045789	0	0	You are still so beautiful.	CK	1
0	16319	0	0	You are strong-minded.	CK	1
0	1895821	0	0	You are such a liar.	CK	1
0	4502459	0	0	You are surrounded.	CK	1
0	1454208	0	0	You are taller than she is.	CK	1
0	2549197	0	0	You are the best.	CK	1
0	2548467	0	0	You are the doctor.	CK	1
0	252761	0	0	You are the last person that I expected to meet.	CK	1
0	20104	0	0	You are the only one.	CK	1