English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 4728

0	4921400	0	0	You can probably buy one of these cheaper someplace else.	CK	1
0	4921402	0	0	You can probably buy one of these cheaper somewhere else.	CK	1
0	3415400	0	0	You can protect me.	CK	1
0	42690	0	0	You can put it anywhere.	CK	1
0	3342808	0	0	You can put it down now.	CK	1
0	3345291	0	0	You can put it there.	CK	1
0	3358724	0	0	You can put that down now.	CK	1
0	3358596	0	0	You can quote me on that.	CK	1
0	2642519	0	0	You can read anything you want.	CK	1
0	2451470	0	0	You can read French, can't you?	CK	1
1006928	56808	この本読んでもいいよ。	mookeee	You can read this book.	CK	1
0	3358585	0	0	You can read, can't you?	CK	1
0	2254938	0	0	You can relax.	CK	1
176925	10078	君は彼女を信頼してよい。	bunbuku	You can rely on her.	CK	1
108036	9905	彼に頼っておけばいい。	bunbuku	You can rely on him.	CK	1
176954	9905	君は彼をあてにしていい。	bunbuku	You can rely on him.	CK	1
137497	275739	大丈夫、任せてくれ。	tommy__san	You can rely on me.	CK	1
3360359	3734614	トムは頼りになるよ。	arnab	You can rely on Tom.	CK	1
0	2254939	0	0	You can rest.	CK	1
0	2547465	0	0	You can ride with me.	CK	1
80046	323671	黙っていたほうがいい。彼に話しても無駄です。	bunbuku	You can save your breath. There is no use talking to him.	CK	1
0	2042904	0	0	You can say anything you want about me, but don't say anything bad about Tom.	CK	1
233637	402203	あなたのいう通りですよ。	bunbuku	You can say that again.	blay_paul	1
0	1895805	0	0	You can say what you like.	CK	1
0	3921614	0	0	You can say what you want.	CK	1
0	2954429	0	0	You can say whatever you like.	CK	1
174814	239654	言いたい事はなんでも言ってよろしい。	bunbuku	You can say whatever you want to.	CK	1
0	2014061	0	0	You can say whatever you want.	CK	1
179473	18331	空にたくさんの星が見えます。	bunbuku	You can see a lot of stars in the sky.	CK	1
173845	240625	向こうに白い塔が見えます。	bunbuku	You can see a white tower over there.	CK	1
188422	25565	屋上からは、何マイルも見渡せる。	bunbuku	You can see for miles from the roof.	CK	1
0	3330987	0	0	You can see it now.	CK	1
0	3170986	0	0	You can see it, right?	CK	1
221022	58344	この森では多くの動物が見られる。	bunbuku	You can see many animals in this forest.	CK	1
0	3170985	0	0	You can see me, can't you?	CK	1
188688	25834	遠くに古代の遺跡が見えるでしょう。	mookeee	You can see the ancient ruins in the distance.	CK	1
189366	26517	雲の切れ間から太陽が見えます。	bunbuku	You can see the sun peeking through the clouds.	CK	1
1673933	26517	雲間から太陽が覗いています。	mookeee	You can see the sun peeking through the clouds.	CK	1
0	3822250	0	0	You can see Tom in the morning.	CK	1
0	4497498	0	0	You can sell them if you don't want them.	CK	1
0	4006791	0	0	You can shower here.	CK	1
0	3223062	0	0	You can sit anywhere you want.	CK	1
0	3223042	0	0	You can sit down if you like.	CK	1
0	3223041	0	0	You can sit down if you want.	CK	1
0	3222953	0	0	You can sit down now.	CK	1
4842952	3222933	ここ座っていいよ。	tommy_san	You can sit here.	CK	1
4842953	3222933	ここ座っていいですよ。	tommy_san	You can sit here.	CK	1
0	3222981	0	0	You can sit if you want.	CK	1
0	3222980	0	0	You can sit in my chair.	CK	1
0	4967235	0	0	You can sit next to me.	CK	1