English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 572

0	2033831	0	0	Hey, you want to have a lot of fun? Come with us.	CK	1
0	2013501	0	0	Hey, you want to take a walk?	CK	1
0	3559907	0	0	Hey, you're early.	CK	1
0	3575374	0	0	Hey, you're not going to believe this.	CK	1
0	3364626	0	0	Hey, you're not Tom.	CK	1
0	3096125	0	0	Hey, you've got to see this.	CK	1
3576101	3575415	おい、おまえの犬、いま俺を噛んだぞ。	arnab	Hey, your dog just bit me.	CK	1
3576104	3575415	やだ、おたくの犬、いま私を噛んだわ。	arnab	Hey, your dog just bit me.	CK	1
0	3164506	0	0	Hey, your secret's safe with me.	CK	1
0	853087	0	0	Hey. How's it going?	piksea	1
0	1898375	0	0	Hey. I know you.	CK	1
0	1898374	0	0	Hey. That's not fair.	CK	1
0	1885964	0	0	Hey. What's going on?	CK	1
0	1885963	0	0	Hey. Where are you going?	CK	1
0	5287420	0	0	Hi everyone, I'm Tom.	Hybrid	1
0	3403467	0	0	Hi Tom, what's up?	CK	1
0	3130462	0	0	Hi, come on in.	CK	1
0	2561375	0	0	Hi, guys.	Hybrid	1
0	2647167	0	0	Hi, how're you doing?	CK	1
0	428407	0	0	Hi, how's it going?	witbrock	1
0	4500043	0	0	Hi, my name is Tom.	CK	1
2556006	2549834	ハーイ、トム。	OrangeTart	Hi, Tom.	CK	1
0	2736608	0	0	Hi, Tom. Come on in.	Hybrid	1
0	54608	0	0	Hi! Do you work here?	Zifre	1
193152	30316	やあ!元気?	bunbuku	Hi! How are you?	Zifre	1
3480285	538123	やっほー。	arnab	Hi.	CM	1
3480287	538123	こんにちは!	arnab	Hi.	CM	1
0	766780	0	0	Hi. How are you doing?	Disconnect	1
2270761	2270763	こんにちは。間違いでなければ、こちらに最近越してこられた方ですよね?	Ianagisacos	Hi. If I'm not mistaken, you're our new neighbors, aren't you?	CK	1
0	2648129	0	0	Hide in the closet.	CK	1
0	3374198	0	0	Hide that book.	CK	1
0	2245575	0	0	Hide the money.	CK	1
0	4664500	0	0	Higher gas prices cause inflation.	CK	1
117374	286290	彼の行動は我々をぎょっとさせた。	bunbuku	His action frightened us.	CM	1
1099401	1099395	彼のアドバイスは全く役に立たなかった。	bunbuku	His advice didn't help at all.	CK	1
1099404	1099395	彼の助言は全く役に立たなかった。	bunbuku	His advice didn't help at all.	CK	1
116521	1099369	彼の忠告は、ほとんど役に立たなかった。	bunbuku	His advice didn't help much.	CK	1
1099384	1099369	彼のアドバイスはあまり役に立たなかった。	bunbuku	His advice didn't help much.	CK	1
116519	287150	彼の忠告は君に大変役に立つだろう。	mookeee	His advice would be very useful to you.	CK	1
1143770	287251	彼の答えは的確だ。	mookeee	His answer is to the point.	CK	1
116822	286846	彼の申し込みがやっと受理された。	bunbuku	His application went through.	CM	1
236814	287818	彼の論旨は筋が通っている。	mookeee	His argument was logical.	CK	1
116987	286680	彼の叔母は猫を3匹飼っている。	bunbuku	His aunt has three cats.	CK	1
117383	286281	彼の行動にはいつもびっくりさせられる。	bunbuku	His behavior never ceases to surprise me.	CK	1
1142227	286281	彼の行動にはいつも驚かされる。	bunbuku	His behavior never ceases to surprise me.	CK	1
554742	556605	五月五日は彼の誕生日だ。	Namikaze	His birthday is May 5th.	Pun_intended	1
117864	1099525	彼の鞄は水でいっぱいだった。	mookeee	His briefcase was filled with water.	CK	1
117749	285915	彼の兄さんは彼よりも我慢強い。	mookeee	His brother is more patient than he is.	CK	1
117143	286523	彼の事業は部分的な成功をおさめたにすぎなかった。	mookeee	His business was only a partial success.	CK	1
116911	286756	彼の乗った自動車が電車に衝突した。	bunbuku	His car collided with a train.	CK	1