English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 58

0	2852531	0	0	Are you ready to go home?	CK	1
4225721	266758	出かける準備はできた?	bunbuku	Are you ready to go out?	CK	1
147806	241099	出かける支度は出来ましたか。	mookeee	Are you ready to go?	CK	1
0	3390684	0	0	Are you ready to leave?	CK	1
217064	54371	ご注文はお決まりですか?	tommy_san	Are you ready to order now?	CK	1
217064	54369	ご注文はお決まりですか?	tommy_san	Are you ready to order?	CK	1
0	3636518	0	0	Are you ready to party?	CK	1
0	2050566	0	0	Are you ready to play?	CK	1
0	3821353	0	0	Are you ready to proceed?	CK	1
78205	325513	旅の準備はできたかい?	mookeee	Are you ready to start your journey?	Zifre	1
0	266860	0	0	Are you ready to start?	CK	1
0	4015079	0	0	Are you ready to talk about it?	CK	1
0	3181824	0	0	Are you ready to talk to me now?	CK	1
0	3131797	0	0	Are you ready to tell me what happened?	CK	1
0	5008851	0	0	Are you ready to work?	CK	1
0	3393031	0	0	Are you ready yet?	CK	1
0	2648162	0	0	Are you ready, Tom?	CK	1
78865	376424	用意はいいかい。	mookeee	Are you ready?	saeb	1
881639	376424	準備できてる?	arihato	Are you ready?	saeb	1
3069849	376424	準備はできましたか?	nnaffu	Are you ready?	saeb	1
0	3731707	0	0	Are you real sure about that?	CK	1
0	2713494	0	0	Are you really a doctor?	CK	1
0	1886325	0	0	Are you really a nun?	CK	1
0	3498699	0	0	Are you really a princess?	Hybrid	1
0	3826549	0	0	Are you really as old as you say you are?	CK	1
0	3826453	0	0	Are you really awake?	CK	1
0	2647730	0	0	Are you really busy?	CK	1
0	3825916	0	0	Are you really Canadian?	CK	1
0	3426146	0	0	Are you really done?	CK	1
0	4498954	0	0	Are you really going to Boston next weekend?	CK	1
0	3024498	0	0	Are you really going to Boston to study art?	CK	1
0	3024497	0	0	Are you really going to Boston?	CK	1
0	3825869	0	0	Are you really going to buy that car?	CK	1
0	3355248	0	0	Are you really going to do that?	CK	1
0	3819777	0	0	Are you really going to do this?	CK	1
0	3820071	0	0	Are you really going to eat that?	CK	1
0	4012999	0	0	Are you really going to let Tom do that?	CK	1
0	3359936	0	0	Are you really going to make me do that?	CK	1
4488098	3536135	ほんとにボストンに引っ越すつもりなの?	tommy_san	Are you really going to move to Boston?	CK	1
0	2044463	0	0	Are you really happy?	CK	1
0	3185173	0	0	Are you really here to stay?	CK	1
0	4666283	0	0	Are you really in control?	CK	1
0	3151617	0	0	Are you really just giving up?	CK	1
0	3636293	0	0	Are you really married?	CK	1
0	3820800	0	0	Are you really my sister?	CK	1
0	3419798	0	0	Are you really not coming back?	CK	1
0	2713442	0	0	Are you really not going?	CK	1
2985841	2951531	本当に私に腹を立ててないのね?	Fukuko	Are you really not mad at me?	CK	1
0	2713745	0	0	Are you really OK?	CK	1
0	3396788	0	0	Are you really only thirteen?	CK	1