English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 586
0 4264692 0 0 How can we meet new people? JFMorais 1
0 3408887 0 0 How can we possibly do that? CK 1
0 5029266 0 0 How can we prevent that from happening? CK 1
0 5020138 0 0 How can we prevent that? CK 1
0 4062860 0 0 How can we prevent this from happening again? CK 1
0 3132851 0 0 How can we prove it actually happened? CK 1
0 3439471 0 0 How can we prove it? CK 1
0 3731675 0 0 How can we prove that? CM 1
0 4877596 0 0 How can we put up with that? jshholland 1
0 5010235 0 0 How can we refuse? CK 1
2126653 1885948 トムを救うにはどうすればいいのですか。 bunbuku How can we save Tom? CK 1
0 3408825 0 0 How can we stop them? CK 1
0 5000891 0 0 How can we stop Tom? CK 1
0 3730908 0 0 How can we tell? CM 1
0 1885947 0 0 How can we thank you? CK 1
0 2891258 0 0 How can we wait? CK 1
0 3043629 0 0 How can you afford something like this? CK 1
0 3820118 0 0 How can you ask me that? CK 1
0 4012893 0 0 How can you be certain of that? CK 1
0 2891259 0 0 How can you be certain? CK 1
0 2891260 0 0 How can you be contacted? CK 1
0 4880000 0 0 How can you be disappointed? CK 1
0 2891261 0 0 How can you be reached? CK 1
0 2891262 0 0 How can you be so callous? CK 1
0 38744 0 0 How can you be so calm? CK 1
0 2891263 0 0 How can you be so certain? CK 1
0 2891264 0 0 How can you be so confident? CK 1
0 2275626 0 0 How can you be so cruel? Hybrid 1
0 2891265 0 0 How can you be so cynical? CK 1
0 2891266 0 0 How can you be so heartless? CK 1
0 2951880 0 0 How can you be so naive? CK 1
1656253 1656252 よくもそう楽天的でいられるよ。 mookeee How can you be so optimistic? Spamster 1
0 1649029 0 0 How can you be so selfish? Spamster 1
0 5077159 0 0 How can you be so stupid? Lindoula 1
0 3390655 0 0 How can you be so sure of that? CK 1
0 874551 0 0 How can you be so sure? darinmex 1
0 4875759 0 0 How can you be such an idiot? Hybrid 1
0 4011874 0 0 How can you be sure it'll work? CK 1
0 3731678 0 0 How can you be sure of that? CM 1
0 4012263 0 0 How can you be sure that's true? CK 1
0 2647690 0 0 How can you be sure? CK 1
0 1663814 0 0 How can you concentrate? Spamster 1
0 4496911 0 0 How can you contribute? CK 1
0 2891267 0 0 How can you do that? CK 1
0 2722460 0 0 How can you do this to me? Hybrid 1
0 2891268 0 0 How can you do this? CK 1
0 3154859 0 0 How can you eat at a time like this? CK 1
0 4049034 0 0 How can you eat so much? Hybrid 1
0 3154858 0 0 How can you eat that? CK 1
0 4012906 0 0 How can you even ask me that? CK 1