English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 588
0 3823325 0 0 How cold is it? CK 1
0 4999948 0 0 How cold is too cold? CK 1
0 4015764 0 0 How cold will it get? CK 1
0 3396678 0 0 How come I haven't seen you here before? CK 1
0 4718559 0 0 How come that happened to us? anthrax26 1
0 2275811 0 0 How come Tom didn't fight? CK 1
0 2275812 0 0 How come Tom didn't finish? CK 1
0 3199068 0 0 How come Tom isn't making lunch? CK 1
0 3731881 0 0 How come we're different? CM 1
0 3096340 0 0 How come you ask? CK 1
201462 38672 どうして昨夜、私に電話しなかったのですか。 bunbuku How come you didn't call me last night? jakov 1
0 2528509 0 0 How come you didn't come? FeuDRenais 1
0 3096341 0 0 How come you didn't do it? CK 1
0 3205190 0 0 How come you didn't tell me Tom was going to Boston with us? CK 1
2076606 1885942 なんで私のことをトムに話さなかったの? bunbuku How come you didn't tell Tom about me? CK 1
0 5272445 0 0 How come you don't do that? CK 1
0 3094592 0 0 How come you don't play the banjo anymore? CK 1
0 2015139 0 0 How come you don't want to sleep? CK 1
0 3731587 0 0 How come you know all this? CM 1
3556529 2451430 なんでそんなにフランス語上手なの? tommy_san How come you know French so well? CK 1
6039 6041 どうしてそんなに日本の歴史に詳しいの? bunbuku How come you know so much about Japanese history? CK 1
0 2969037 0 0 How come you know so much about Tom? Hybrid 1
0 3730760 0 0 How come you know so much? CM 1
0 3203786 0 0 How come you never told me this before? CK 1
0 3205064 0 0 How come you never told me you couldn't speak French? CK 1
0 3204854 0 0 How come you never told me you were from Boston? CK 1
0 2451410 0 0 How come you speak French so well? CK 1
0 5158815 0 0 How come you're late? Zaksocool 1
3552525 5150077 何がそんなに忙しいの? tommy_san How come you're so busy? kemushi69 1
3552600 5150077 なんでそんなに忙しいの? tommy_san How come you're so busy? kemushi69 1
0 3826277 0 0 How come you've never been here before? CK 1
0 3826271 0 0 How come you've never helped us before? CK 1
0 433853 0 0 How complex is it? CK 1
0 3826345 0 0 How complicated can it be? CK 1
0 4016996 0 0 How complicated could it be? CK 1
0 3738660 0 0 How cool is that? CK 1
0 2711943 0 0 How could anyone be so stupid? CK 1
0 4666490 0 0 How could anyone do that? CK 1
0 4666053 0 0 How could anyone forget it? CK 1
0 4666267 0 0 How could anyone hate Tom? CK 1
0 3731003 0 0 How could anyone not love Tom? CM 1
0 4665806 0 0 How could anyone think that? CK 1
0 4012606 0 0 How could anything be worse than this? CK 1
0 2711967 0 0 How could I be so stupid? CK 1
0 3408857 0 0 How could I do that? CK 1
0 3287294 0 0 How could I forget something like that? CK 1
0 3636506 0 0 How could I forget you? CK 1
0 3301164 0 0 How could I forget? Hybrid 1
0 2533419 0 0 How could I hate Tom? CK 1
0 3824593 0 0 How could I have forgotten? CK 1