English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 6

3626327	23597	いま蚊に刺された。	arnab	A mosquito just bit me.	CK	1
83179	320537	母ウサギは、赤ん坊たちを自分のからだで暖かくしている。	mookeee	A mother rabbit keeps her babies warm with her own body.	CK	1
198608	1222997	ネズミが一匹部屋の中を走りまわっている。	wat	A mouse is running around the room.	CK	1
1223011	1222997	鼠が一匹部屋を駆けまわっている。	mookeee	A mouse is running around the room.	CK	1
0	4529090	0	0	A Mr. Jackson came to see you while you were out.	CK	1
0	4529472	0	0	A Mr. Jackson has come to see you.	CK	1
0	3264788	0	0	A new supermarket opened in our neighborhood.	CK	1
187032	24169	家の前に多数の車が駐車している。	bunbuku	A number of cars are parked in front of my house.	CK	1
1834346	24169	私の家の前に、たくさんの車が駐車している。	bunbuku	A number of cars are parked in front of my house.	CK	1
138291	274944	多くの友人が彼を見送った。	mookeee	A number of friends saw him off.	CK	1
1038407	1038978	海外旅行をするとき、普通はパスポートが必要になります。	thyc244	A passport is usually necessary when you travel overseas.	CK	1
0	2595688	0	0	A password is required.	CK	1
235827	73206	1ペニーの節約は1ペニーの儲け。	mookeee	A penny saved is a penny earned.	CK	1
0	4501385	0	0	A permit is required.	CK	1
0	2951478	0	0	A person like Tom probably knows how to speak French.	CK	1
0	2951479	0	0	A person like Tom probably knows how to swim.	CK	1
971364	972853	ものの見方というのは立場に依るものだ。	thyc244	A person's way of looking at something depends on his situation.	CK	1
197720	34907	ピアノは高いですが自動車はもっと高いです。	mookeee	A piano is expensive, but a car is more expensive.	CK	1
0	34908	0	0	A piano is expensive.	CK	1
0	4726471	0	0	A piece of paper fell on the ground.	mailohilohi	1
0	3635857	0	0	A policeman is outside.	CK	1
77295	326424	老人の肖像画が壁に掛かっていた。	mookeee	A portrait of an old man was hanging on the wall.	CK	1
0	4499274	0	0	A preliminary hearing is scheduled for October 20th.	CK	1
0	4495712	0	0	A problem immediately arose.	CK	1
2236638	324187	約束は約束だ。	tommy_san	A promise is a promise.	CK	1
5302	2117	ウサギには長い耳と短い尾がある。	mookeee	A rabbit has long ears and a short tail.	Zifre	1
0	3172828	0	0	A real friend would tell us the truth.	CK	1
77642	326076	冷蔵庫に入れておけば肉は痛まない。	mookeee	A refrigerator keeps meat fresh.	CK	1
0	4529003	0	0	A reporter asked Tom some questions as he left the courthouse.	CK	1
0	5072018	0	0	A reward is being offered.	CK	1
125756	278236	直角は90度である。	mookeee	A right angle has ninety degrees.	Nero	1
236999	246272	指輪一つと、現金が何ドルかなくなっています。	mookeee	A ring and some cash are missing.	CK	1
137146	276090	谷の間を川が流れている。	mookeee	A river runs down through the valley.	CK	1
0	1898448	0	0	A sane man wouldn't do that.	CK	1
78394	325322	利己的な人は自分の感情しか考えない。	mookeee	A selfish man thinks of nothing but his own feelings.	CK	1
77835	1341218	良識のある人ならそんな風に君に話しかけないだろう。	mookeee	A sensible person wouldn't speak to you like that.	CK	1
170157	244328	昨日、このあたりで船が沈んだ。	bunbuku	A ship sank near here yesterday.	CK	1
3367007	3348218	賢い犬は決して理由なく吼えたりはしない。	arnab	A smart dog never barks for no reason.	_undertoad	1
0	4665366	0	0	A smile doesn't cost anything.	CK	1
0	4500628	0	0	A sniper shot the lights out.	CK	1
216818	54124	サッカーチームは11人の選手で構成される。	bunbuku	A soccer team consists of eleven players.	CK	1
0	4402167	0	0	A solution acceptable to all parties was finally reached.	patgfisher	1
0	3824591	0	0	A solution must be found.	CK	1
214322	51614	スポンジは液体を吸い取る。	mookeee	A sponge absorbs liquids.	CK	1
142870	271699	正方形には四つの辺がある。	bunbuku	A square has four sides.	CK	1
124963	406986	転ばぬ先の杖。	verbum	A stitch in time saves nine.	xtofu80	1
236223	73599	「転ばぬ先の杖」はことわざである。	mookeee	"A stitch in time saves nine" is a proverb.	CK	1
78464	325252	嵐が起ころうとしている。	mookeee	A storm is brewing.	CM	1
78455	1948401	嵐になりそうです。	mookeee	A storm is coming.	linguine	1
78442	325274	嵐のために飛行機は離陸できなかった。	mookeee	A storm prevented the plane from taking off.	CK	1