English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 609
0 2026871 0 0 How do you want to handle this situation? CK 1
78492 2951896 卵はどのように調理しましょうか。 mookeee How do you want your eggs? CK 1
78493 2951896 卵はどのように調理いたしましょうか。 mookeee How do you want your eggs? CK 1
78494 2951896 卵はどのようになさいますか。 mookeee How do you want your eggs? CK 1
78495 2951896 卵はどう料理しましょうか。 mookeee How do you want your eggs? CK 1
0 37566 0 0 How do you want your hair cut? CK 1
913506 914377 あなたの苗字はどのように書くのですか? thyc244 How do you write your last name? CK 1
0 3738100 0 0 How does everything look? CK 1
111700 291983 彼はどうやって学校に通っていますか。 bunbuku How does he go to school? CK 1
0 1652290 0 0 How does it feel? Spamster 1
0 3731646 0 0 How does it help us? CM 1
0 4498106 0 0 How does it help? CK 1
0 1885910 0 0 How does it look? CK 1
0 2192198 0 0 How does it taste? acbarbosa 1
0 1885909 0 0 How does it work? CK 1
0 4529775 0 0 How does one achieve success? CK 1
0 4890373 0 0 How does that actually work? CK 1
0 3822517 0 0 How does that affect me? CK 1
0 3818012 0 0 How does that affect you? CK 1
0 4017208 0 0 How does that change anything? CK 1
0 1885908 0 0 How does that feel? CK 1
0 2647164 0 0 How does that happen? CK 1
0 3374665 0 0 How does that help us? CK 1
0 3374756 0 0 How does that help? CK 1
0 2891354 0 0 How does that make sense? CK 1
0 3022611 0 0 How does that seem to you? sharptoothed 1
0 49289 0 0 How does that song go? CK 1
0 3469900 0 0 How does that sound to you? Hybrid 1
0 1272976 0 0 How does that sound? CK 1
0 2648123 0 0 How does that work? CK 1
0 49287 0 0 How does the song go? CK 1
0 4530036 0 0 How does this affect me? CK 1
0 4529982 0 0 How does this affect you? CK 1
0 4890374 0 0 How does this always happen? CK 1
0 4495682 0 0 How does this apply? CK 1
0 3822544 0 0 How does this concern me? CK 1
0 3818058 0 0 How does this concern you? CK 1
0 4497984 0 0 How does this happen? CK 1
0 4498048 0 0 How does this help? CK 1
0 1885906 0 0 How does this look? CK 1
0 4498017 0 0 How does this sound? CK 1
0 60996 0 0 How does this soup taste? CK 1
0 4011870 0 0 How does this thing work? CK 1
0 5068210 0 0 How does this work exactly? CK 1
0 715034 0 0 How does this work? jakov 1
0 3110620 0 0 How does Tom do it? CK 1
0 2647163 0 0 How does Tom do that? CK 1
0 3364621 0 0 How does Tom do this? CK 1
0 3506792 0 0 How does Tom feel about that? CK 1
0 2261905 0 0 How does Tom feel? CK 1