English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 613
0 2205973 0 0 How is life? freddy1 1
0 1885902 0 0 How is that different? CK 1
0 4498105 0 0 How is that done? CK 1
0 4013678 0 0 How is that even possible? CK 1
0 3131528 0 0 How is that ever going to happen? CK 1
0 2648528 0 0 How is that funny? CK 1
0 4011863 0 0 How is that going to work? CK 1
0 3818838 0 0 How is that good for us? CK 1
0 2647684 0 0 How is that helpful? CK 1
0 2646603 0 0 How is that important? CK 1
0 3130260 0 0 How is that my fault? CK 1
0 1142789 0 0 How is that possible? CM 1
0 3251373 0 0 How is that pronounced? Vincinho 1
0 2647162 0 0 How is that relevant? CK 1
0 3731865 0 0 How is that significant? CM 1
0 4710334 0 0 How is that spelled? CK 1
0 2646061 0 0 How is that your fault? CK 1
0 2951897 0 0 How is the construction going? CK 1
732477 730098 ご家族はどうされていますか? arihato How is the family doing? CK 1
4260196 436133 ご家族はお元気ですか? tommy_san How is the family? lukaszpp 1
0 4013384 0 0 How is the fishing going this season? CK 1
0 2549564 0 0 How is the food? CK 1
0 1839470 0 0 How is the investigation's going? CK 1
3366923 2549391 サラダのお味はいかがですか? arnab How is the salad? CK 1
0 50761 0 0 How is the weather there? CK 1
0 242617 0 0 How is the weather today? CK 1
0 64158 0 0 How is the weather? CK 1
0 5152901 0 0 How is the work progressing? kemushi69 1
218747 56062 これとあれはどういう関係があるの。 mookeee How is this connected to that? CK 1
0 4494639 0 0 How is this different? CK 1
0 2984152 0 0 How is this even possible? Hybrid 1
0 3731505 0 0 How is this fair? CM 1
0 2647161 0 0 How is this my fault? CK 1
0 2646060 0 0 How is this my problem? CK 1
0 1537003 0 0 How is this possible? Spamster 1
0 4710418 0 0 How is this pronounced? CK 1
0 1885901 0 0 How is this relevant? CK 1
0 4710419 0 0 How is this word pronounced? CK 1
0 3820089 0 0 How is Tom able to do that? CK 1
0 2891356 0 0 How is Tom anyhow? CK 1
0 4494284 0 0 How is Tom at basketball? CK 1
0 4494765 0 0 How is Tom different? CK 1
0 4887771 0 0 How is Tom doing now? CK 1
2040858 2261907 トムはどうしてる? bunbuku How is Tom doing? CK 1
0 2648122 0 0 How is Tom feeling? CK 1
0 4013920 0 0 How is Tom going to find out? CK 1
0 3162157 0 0 How is Tom going to help you? CK 1
0 2649147 0 0 How is Tom now? CK 1
0 2644562 0 0 How is Tom related to you? CK 1
0 2646602 0 0 How is Tom these days? CK 1