English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 643
4751193 3819088 旅行どうでしたか? tommy_san How was the trip? CK 1
0 2182526 0 0 How was the wedding? Hybrid 1
171902 63132 今日の試合はどうだった。 bunbuku How was today's game? CK 1
225794 63132 きょうの試合はどうでしたか。 bunbuku How was today's game? CK 1
886078 888683 今日のテストどうだった? bunbuku How was today's test? Scott 1
0 1834161 0 0 How was Tom able to lose so much weight so quickly? CK 1
0 1839473 0 0 How was Tom killed? CK 1
0 2261909 0 0 How was Tom murdered? CK 1
0 4495347 0 0 How was Tom? CK 1
0 3024367 0 0 How was Tom's dinner party? CK 1
0 3253634 0 0 How was Tom's party? CK 1
0 5103521 0 0 How was work today? CK 1
0 3818330 0 0 How was yesterday? CK 1
1452390 953355 午後はどうだった? bunbuku How was your afternoon? CK 1
0 2646600 0 0 How was your audition? CK 1
0 276750 0 0 How was your birthday? Eldad 1
0 2645516 0 0 How was your conference? CK 1
0 5271916 0 0 How was your date with Tom last night? Hybrid 1
0 3394314 0 0 How was your date with Tom? CK 1
0 2648526 0 0 How was your date? CK 1
0 1987123 0 0 How was your day today? LanguageExpert 1
1088634 953356 今日はどうだった? bunbuku How was your day? CK 1
1088635 953356 今日はどんな日でしたか。 bunbuku How was your day? CK 1
0 2647160 0 0 How was your evening? CK 1
0 513059 0 0 How was your flight? darinmex 1
0 64651 0 0 How was your holiday? CK 1
0 3890643 0 0 How was your honeymoon? Hybrid 1
0 3818329 0 0 How was your interview yesterday? CK 1
0 3823522 0 0 How was your job interview? CK 1
0 1885876 0 0 How was your meeting? CK 1
0 2648814 0 0 How was your nap? CK 1
1442740 953357 夜何してたの? bunbuku How was your night? CK 1
0 275338 0 0 How was your stay? CK 1
1452359 953358 夏はどうだった? bunbuku How was your summer? CK 1
1452360 953358 夏はどうでしたか。 bunbuku How was your summer? CK 1
202237 39449 テストはどうだった? bunbuku How was your test? edelyn90 1
3699097 39449 テストどうだった? tommy_san How was your test? edelyn90 1
0 4502683 0 0 How was your trip to Australia? CK 1
0 3148452 0 0 How was your trip to Boston? CK 1
4270214 1140188 旅行はどうでしたか? tommy_san How was your trip? CK 1
4751190 1140188 旅行どうだった? tommy_san How was your trip? CK 1
4751191 1140188 どうだった、旅行は? tommy_san How was your trip? CK 1
4751192 1140188 どうだった、旅行? tommy_san How was your trip? CK 1
4751193 1140188 旅行どうでしたか? tommy_san How was your trip? CK 1
4751194 1140188 どうでしたか、旅行は? tommy_san How was your trip? CK 1
4751195 1140188 どうでしたか、旅行? tommy_san How was your trip? CK 1
4751196 1140188 旅行どうでした? tommy_san How was your trip? CK 1
4751197 1140188 どうでした、旅行は? tommy_san How was your trip? CK 1
4751198 1140188 どうでした、旅行? tommy_san How was your trip? CK 1
4751199 1140188 旅行はどうだった? tommy_san How was your trip? CK 1