English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 649

3570419	2447450	新しい仕事はどう?	tommy_san	How's your new job going?	AlanF_US	1
3570419	269191	新しい仕事はどう?	tommy_san	How's your new job?	CK	1
0	1885864	0	0	How's your patient?	CK	1
0	34058	0	0	How's your project coming along?	CK	1
0	3513489	0	0	How's your research going?	CK	1
0	3307552	0	0	How's your shoulder?	Hybrid	1
0	1218340	0	0	How's your sister today?	CM	1
81415	322300	妹さんは元気?	bunbuku	How's your sister?	CK	1
2196428	322300	お姉さんはお元気ですか。	bunbuku	How's your sister?	CK	1
0	4015728	0	0	How's your summer going?	CK	1
0	2646598	0	0	How's your ulcer, Tom?	CK	1
0	752444	0	0	How's your wife doing?	sctld	1
0	2647157	0	0	How's your wife, Tom?	CK	1
0	25690	0	0	How's your wife?	CK	1
0	2645513	0	0	How've you been feeling?	CK	1
0	2647156	0	0	How've you been, Tom?	CK	1
0	4497781	0	0	However, that didn't happen.	CK	1
2224154	1852504	抱きしめて。	tommy__san	Hug me.	CK	1
2224155	1852504	ぎゅーして。	tommy_san	Hug me.	CK	1
4344860	2203860	トムを抱きしめて。	nihonjin	Hug Tom.	CK	1
0	5288611	0	0	Human relationships are complex.	Hybrid	1
0	5288084	0	0	Human relationships are very complex.	Hybrid	1
0	4478230	0	0	Humans aren't meant to be alone.	Hybrid	1
0	4012300	0	0	Humans aren't the only animals that use tools.	CK	1
4797	1376	人間は決して永遠には生きられないものだ。	bunbuku	Humans were never meant to live forever.	CK	1
0	1954271	0	0	Humor me.	CM	1
2556184	2203861	トムの機嫌をとれ。	OrangeTart	Humor Tom.	CK	1
0	4497294	0	0	Hundreds die every day.	CK	1
0	4500415	0	0	Hundreds have been killed.	CK	1
0	4500406	0	0	Hundreds of animals were killed.	CK	1
0	953359	0	0	Hundreds of soldiers ate in silence around their campfires.	CK	1
0	2711909	0	0	Hunger can make people do stupid things.	CK	1
179305	18157	空腹にまずいものなし。	mookeee	Hunger is the best sauce.	papabear	1
0	3732727	0	0	Hunger is the best spice.	CK	1
0	3732653	0	0	Hunger makes anything taste good.	CK	1
913527	680336	国立公園内での狩猟は禁止されている。	thyc244	Hunting is banned in national parks.	Source_VOA	1
913527	913531	国立公園内での狩猟は禁止されている。	thyc244	Hunting is not allowed in national parks.	CK	1
913527	913532	国立公園内での狩猟は禁止されている。	thyc244	Hunting is prohibited in national parks.	CK	1
0	4962879	0	0	Hunting season is over.	CK	1
3488324	904804	急いで戻れ。	arnab	Hurry back.	Trailsend	1
0	1841177	0	0	Hurry home.	CK	1
0	2245592	0	0	Hurry it up.	CK	1
0	3154854	0	0	Hurry up and finish eating.	CK	1
0	1839475	0	0	Hurry up or you'll be late.	CK	1
0	2185383	0	0	Hurry up, guys.	Hybrid	1
3003343	19664	急がないと遅れるよ。	tommy_san	Hurry up, or you will be late.	Swift	1
182552	19649	急がないと電車に間に合わないよ。	bunbuku	Hurry up, or you will miss the train.	CK	1
182556	19662	急がないと学校に遅れますよ。	tommy__san	Hurry up, or you'll be late for school.	Swift	1
4260199	19662	急がないと学校遅れるよ。	tommy_san	Hurry up, or you'll be late for school.	Swift	1
2705743	19687	早くしなさい! 遅刻するよ!	tommy_san	Hurry up, or you'll be late.	CK	1