English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 969

0	2326578	0	0	I forgot you were listening.	CK	1
0	2326579	0	0	I forgot you were on the volleyball team.	CK	1
0	3624857	0	0	I forgot your number.	Eldad	1
178115	395439	君の電話番号を忘れてしまった。	bunbuku	I forgot your phone number.	CK	1
5253032	436603	忘れました。	nihonjin	I forgot.	lukaszpp	1
5253033	436603	忘れた。	nihonjin	I forgot.	lukaszpp	1
0	2326580	0	0	I forwarded the message I got from Tom to Mary.	CK	1
0	2326581	0	0	I forwarded the schedule you sent me to Tom.	CK	1
0	5250878	0	0	I fought as hard as I could.	CK	1
0	2245779	0	0	I fought back.	CK	1
0	4498626	0	0	I fought my hardest.	CK	1
0	1027549	0	0	I found a box of Tom's things in the closet.	CK	1
0	5190624	0	0	I found a buyer for your house.	CK	1
156668	1543267	私は三十年間父がつけた日記を見つけた。	arnab	I found a diary my father kept for thirty years.	Bah_Dure	1
154819	259720	私は道で1ドル拾った。	mookeee	I found a dollar in the street.	CK	1
0	2327209	0	0	I found a good place to buy fruit a couple of days ago.	CK	1
0	3820544	0	0	I found a good restaurant on Park Street.	CK	1
0	2327210	0	0	I found a job.	CK	1
0	273945	0	0	I found a nice cup.	CK	1
0	2327217	0	0	I found a nice place to have a picnic.	CK	1
0	3821173	0	0	I found a nice restaurant.	CK	1
0	3386039	0	0	I found a nice tie for Tom.	CK	1
0	5212533	0	0	I found a note on my door from Tom.	CK	1
229127	66485	イスの下にひと組の手袋を見つけた。	bunbuku	I found a pair of gloves under the chair.	CK	1
1036773	66485	椅子の下で一組の手袋を見つけました。	bunbuku	I found a pair of gloves under the chair.	CK	1
1163777	66485	イスの下にあった手袋をみつけました。	bunbuku	I found a pair of gloves under the chair.	CK	1
0	2327211	0	0	I found a pair of sunglasses by the swimming pool.	CK	1
0	2327212	0	0	I found a place to live.	CK	1
127411	276702	探していた珍本を見つけた。	mookeee	I found a rare book I had been looking for.	CK	1
1189819	276702	探していた珍しい本を見つけた。	mookeee	I found a rare book I had been looking for.	CK	1
1189821	276702	探していた希書を見つけた。	mookeee	I found a rare book I had been looking for.	CK	1
0	64121	0	0	I found a real bargain.	CK	1
0	4620673	0	0	I found a solution.	CK	1
0	956804	0	0	I found a very nice place today.	CM	1
0	2285223	0	0	I found a way out.	corvard	1
0	2327213	0	0	I found an apartment.	CK	1
0	260398	0	0	I found him a job.	CK	1
0	252180	0	0	I found him the book.	CK	1
119161	284502	彼と付き合っていくのは難しいことがわかった。	bunbuku	I found it difficult to get along with him.	CK	1
77767	325951	隣の人とうまくやるのは難しかった。	mookeee	I found it difficult to get along with my neighbor.	CK	1
81322	322393	毎日日記をつけるのは難しいことだと分かった。	bunbuku	I found it difficult to keep a diary every day.	CK	1
0	2094933	0	0	I found it difficult to make myself heard because of the noise.	CK	1
86123	317588	彼女を喜ばせることは難しいとわかった。	bunbuku	I found it difficult to please her.	CK	1
1046900	254657	その本を読むのは難しいと思った。	mookeee	I found it difficult to read the book.	CK	1
206373	43621	その問題を解くのは難しいとわかった。	bunbuku	I found it difficult to solve the problem.	CK	1
117542	286117	彼の言ってる事を理解するのは困難だ。	mookeee	I found it difficult to understand what he was saying.	CK	1
117543	286117	彼の言ってることを理解する事は困難です。	mookeee	I found it difficult to understand what he was saying.	CK	1
117547	286117	彼の言っている事を理解するのは困難だった。	mookeee	I found it difficult to understand what he was saying.	CK	1
0	3691622	0	0	I found it disturbing.	dougr99	1
1172438	43688	その問題に答えるのは簡単だと思った。	bunbuku	I found it easy to answer the question.	CK	1