English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 2707

0	0	5134455	0	0	Many people are still missing.	CK	1
0	0	5134456	0	0	It's not a permanent solution.	CK	1
0	0	5134457	0	0	It's not a difficult question.	CK	1
0	0	5134458	0	0	It's a very important message.	CK	1
0	0	5134459	0	0	It's a very chaotic situation.	CK	1
0	0	5134460	0	0	It'll only make matters worse.	CK	1
0	0	5134461	0	0	It'll be interesting for sure.	CK	1
0	0	5134462	0	0	It'll be a difficult decision.	CK	1
0	0	5134463	0	0	It was an unfortunate mistake.	CK	1
0	0	5134812	0	0	Is French your first language?	CK	1
0	0	5134813	0	0	Has anyone thought about this?	CK	1
0	0	5134814	0	0	Has anyone thought about that?	CK	1
0	0	5134815	0	0	Everything's been easy for us.	CK	1
0	0	5134816	0	0	Everyone was talking about it.	CK	1
0	0	5134817	0	0	Both crew members were killed.	CK	1
0	0	5134818	0	0	Are they really any different?	CK	1
0	0	5135008	0	0	We thought we were invincible.	CK	1
0	0	5135009	0	0	There were subtle differences.	CK	1
0	0	5135010	0	0	Something's really weird here.	CK	1
0	0	5136086	0	0	I'm going to cut down on meat.	honestlang	1
0	0	5136089	0	0	I've got to pack for the trip.	honestlang	1
0	0	5136510	0	0	Tom added sugar to his coffee.	Airvian	1
0	0	5136839	0	0	Are your parents still living?	CK	1
0	0	5137323	0	0	That doesn't look good at all.	CK	1
0	0	5141145	0	0	I felt sorry for the poor dog.	CK	1
0	0	5144114	0	0	I always wanted to have a dog.	Airvian	1
0	0	5146671	0	0	Is your friend still sleeping?	CarpeLanam	1
0	0	5148462	0	0	Please listen to me carefully.	CK	1
0	0	5148468	0	0	I didn't stay there very long.	CK	1
0	0	5150153	0	0	Is your sister older than you?	Airvian	1
0	0	5150357	0	0	I think I heard a man's voice.	CarpeLanam	1
0	0	5154764	0	0	Tom hasn't been sleeping well.	CK	1
0	0	5154771	0	0	Tom has never been in trouble.	CK	1
0	0	5155429	0	0	Do you want to learn to paint?	CarpeLanam	1
0	0	5156449	0	0	Tom took a lot of photographs.	CarpeLanam	1
0	0	5158707	0	0	Tom told me he was happy here.	CK	1
0	0	5158741	0	0	I got married three years ago.	CK	1
0	0	5160687	0	0	Tom is about thirty years old.	CK	1
0	0	5162556	0	0	Tom doesn't speak French well.	CK	1
0	0	5162581	0	0	Tom has an odd sense of humor.	CK	1
0	0	5164857	0	0	There is a place for Tom here.	CK	1
0	0	5166558	0	0	I'd like to live in Australia.	CK	1
0	0	5167585	0	0	Please don't try this at home.	tabular	1
0	0	5168430	0	0	I wish you would come with me.	CK	1
0	0	5168431	0	0	I wish we had a better choice.	CK	1
0	0	5168432	0	0	I wish we didn't have to wait.	CK	1
0	0	5168433	0	0	I wish something would happen.	CK	1
0	0	5168434	0	0	I wish Tom would just shut up.	CK	1
0	0	5168435	0	0	I wish Tom would just go away.	CK	1
0	0	5168436	0	0	I wish Tom lived closer to me.	CK	1
0	0	5168437	0	0	I wish I was there now myself.	CK	1
0	0	5168438	0	0	I wish I was as hungry as you.	CK	1
0	0	5168439	0	0	I wish I had more information.	CK	1
0	0	5168853	0	0	I wish you'd stop complaining.	CK	1
0	0	5168854	0	0	I wish summer would never end.	CK	1
0	0	5168855	0	0	I wish it was Valentine's Day.	CK	1
0	0	5168856	0	0	I wish Tom would stop smoking.	CK	1
0	0	5170661	0	0	I've got a terrible toothache.	Joseph	1
0	0	5171275	0	0	I wish you a pleasant evening.	CK	1
0	0	5173889	0	0	This looks like a great place.	CK	1
0	0	5175076	0	0	I'd really rather not do that.	CK	1
0	0	5175077	0	0	I was thirteen years old then.	CK	1
0	0	5175078	0	0	I hope Tom will understand me.	CK	1
0	0	5175079	0	0	I believe that we can do this.	CK	1
0	0	5177455	0	0	I take a nap almost every day.	AlanF_US	1
0	0	5178653	0	0	Let's all remember to be nice.	CK	1
0	0	5178654	0	0	Let's ask Tom why he was late.	CK	1
0	0	5178655	0	0	Let's divide the work equally.	CK	1
0	0	5178656	0	0	Let's hope that's enough time.	CK	1
0	0	5178657	0	0	Let's look at the big picture.	CK	1
0	0	5178658	0	0	Let's not wait for the others.	CK	1
0	0	5178659	0	0	Let's quit talking about this.	CK	1
0	0	5178660	0	0	Let's remember the good times.	CK	1
0	0	5178661	0	0	Let's see how things work out.	CK	1
0	0	5178662	0	0	Let's see if anything changes.	CK	1
0	0	5178663	0	0	Let's see if this makes sense.	CK	1
0	0	5178664	0	0	Let's see what the outcome is.	CK	1
0	0	5178665	0	0	Let's see who does that first.	CK	1
0	0	5178666	0	0	Let's talk about what Tom did.	CK	1
0	0	5178667	0	0	Let's try doing this together.	CK	1
0	0	5178668	0	0	Let's try to be more tolerant.	CK	1
0	0	5182616	0	0	Do you want to go out tonight?	CK	1
0	0	5183303	0	0	Tom asked me to do it for him.	CK	1
0	0	5184867	0	0	I like to play music with Tom.	CK	1
0	0	5184868	0	0	I had no idea Tom knew French.	CK	1
0	0	5187844	0	0	The police searched Tom's car.	CK	1
0	0	5189296	0	0	Tom used to work in Australia.	CK	1
0	0	5189298	0	0	Tom used to be a math teacher.	CK	1
0	0	5189299	0	0	Tom and I used to fight a lot.	CK	1
0	0	5189300	0	0	This used to be a parking lot.	CK	1
0	0	5189301	0	0	Nothing is like it used to be.	CK	1
0	0	5189302	0	0	I'm used to having my own way.	CK	1
0	0	5189304	0	0	I used to play music with Tom.	CK	1
0	0	5189305	0	0	I used to live on Park Street.	CK	1
0	0	5189306	0	0	I used to know Tom quite well.	CK	1
0	0	5189307	0	0	I used to have very long hair.	CK	1
0	0	5189308	0	0	I used to go horseback riding.	CK	1
0	0	5189309	0	0	I used to be scared of snakes.	CK	1
0	0	5189311	0	0	I suppose I'll get used to it.	CK	1
0	0	5190561	0	0	They've won many competitions.	tabular	1