English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 3729

0	0	1196951	0	0	Tom never said that he wanted to go.	CK	1
0	0	1207489	0	0	When will your homework be finished?	CK	1
0	0	1224683	0	0	I'll remember this incident forever.	CK	1
0	0	1225099	0	0	I'm not going to school on Saturday.	CK	1
0	0	1228149	0	0	You're very likely wrong about that.	CK	1
0	0	1230864	0	0	I'm displeased with your negligence.	CK	1
0	0	1239184	0	0	I've been looking for it everywhere.	CK	1
0	0	1273072	0	0	It sounds like you had a great time.	CK	1
0	0	1294987	0	0	I think it's time to do my homework.	CK	1
0	0	1324288	0	0	I thought that you wanted to see me.	Scott	1
0	0	1332084	0	0	Don't treat me as if I were a child.	CM	1
0	0	1334596	0	0	I never concealed anything from you.	CK	1
0	0	1334751	0	0	Tom asked Mary to wait for him here.	CK	1
0	0	1345322	0	0	Can you recommend a good game to me?	tboronczyk	1
0	0	1358545	0	0	Where does all that noise come from?	CK	1
0	0	1358652	0	0	She is not my sister, she's my wife.	CK	1
0	0	1360540	0	0	You should have told me that before.	CK	1
0	0	1366293	0	0	It's obvious why your stomach hurts.	CK	1
0	0	1386732	0	0	I'll get used to it sooner or later.	CK	1
0	0	1387175	0	0	I'm old enough to not have a curfew.	CM	1
0	0	1388441	0	0	There's a lot of snow in the winter.	CK	1
0	0	1392484	0	0	Is that the key you are looking for?	CM	1
0	0	1397605	0	0	Please send this by registered mail.	CK	1
0	0	1400131	0	0	I'll see to it first thing tomorrow.	darinmex	1
0	0	1401274	0	0	I think you should go and visit Tom.	CK	1
0	0	1415972	0	0	My cat had a fight with another cat.	CK	1
0	0	1435635	0	0	Put the words in alphabetical order.	enteka	1
0	0	1440063	0	0	Since you're tired, you should rest.	CK	1
0	0	1447660	0	0	I'll finish reading this novel soon.	CK	1
0	0	1448420	0	0	Almost everything has gotten better.	CK	1
0	0	1449790	0	0	What kind of fruit do you like best?	CK	1
0	0	1449851	0	0	Tom's friends called him Money Bags.	CM	1
0	0	1450204	0	0	My older sister finally got married.	CK	1
0	0	1450640	0	0	I finally caught up with my friends.	CK	1
0	0	1451596	0	0	The ring couldn't be found anywhere.	CK	1
0	0	1451671	0	0	That magazine is aimed at teenagers.	CK	1
0	0	1454069	0	0	How many days does a leap year have?	LittleBoy	1
0	0	1454334	0	0	Did you do the homework by yourself?	raghebaraby	1
0	0	1454598	0	0	I can't decide whether to go or not.	CK	1
0	0	1455173	0	0	Would you sing us a song in English?	CK	1
0	0	1455278	0	0	My mother gets up earlier than I do.	CK	1
0	0	1461922	0	0	I locked myself out of my apartment.	CK	1
0	0	1463054	0	0	Don't miss this amazing opportunity.	Spamster	1
0	0	1463094	0	0	Tom and Mary are the only survivors.	Spamster	1
0	0	1475614	0	0	I'd like you to be my guest tonight.	CK	1
0	0	1475868	0	0	Let's hurry so we can catch the bus.	CK	1
0	0	1493338	0	0	Tom's dad is a university professor.	Spamster	1
0	0	1494216	0	0	Tom likes people similar to himself.	Spamster	1
0	0	1494228	0	0	Tom is a professional hockey player.	Spamster	1
0	0	1495751	0	0	Why do you always wear white shirts?	CK	1
0	0	1495754	0	0	Did Tom ask you anything about that?	CK	1
0	0	1497039	0	0	I suggested that we end the meeting.	CK	1
0	0	1498832	0	0	Tom was left for dead in the desert.	Spamster	1
0	0	1502096	0	0	Don't look at me with such sad eyes.	Eldad	1
0	0	1503155	0	0	There'll be coffee and cake at five.	CK	1
0	0	1506347	0	0	Let's try to answer these questions.	marco87	1
0	0	1513734	0	0	Tom was looking somewhat distraught.	Spamster	1
0	0	1515064	0	0	I'm happy to have been proven wrong.	darinmex	1
0	0	1515505	0	0	Don't go to sleep with the light on.	Cainntear	1
0	0	1522375	0	0	Did you try restarting the computer?	erikspen	1
0	0	1523556	0	0	Tom wanted to sleep under the stars.	Spamster	1
0	0	1525305	0	0	Why don't we just sit here and talk?	CK	1
0	0	1526442	0	0	The old man spoke with me in French.	pauldhunt	1
0	0	1526522	0	0	Can you watch my dog while I'm away?	pauldhunt	1
0	0	1528876	0	0	I don't agree with your conclusions.	erikspen	1
0	0	1529452	0	0	Tom wants to become a ballet dancer.	Spamster	1
0	0	1532551	0	0	It's a shame that you're not coming.	LittleBoy	1
0	0	1536352	0	0	Are you looking for oil in the area?	Anne_Paen	1
0	0	1536751	0	0	Are you still watching these things?	CM	1
0	0	1542075	0	0	I can't do anything else. I'm sorry.	CK	1
0	0	1542288	0	0	Tom will not show it to anyone else.	Spamster	1
0	0	1543442	0	0	I don't like any of these paintings.	Chevere33	1
0	0	1546292	0	0	I don't have the money to buy a car.	Spamster	1
0	0	1551168	0	0	Don't forget to call me up tomorrow.	marcelostockle	1
0	0	1552189	0	0	Tom believes that unicorns are real.	Spamster	1
0	0	1553488	0	0	How many hours do you normally work?	CK	1
0	0	1555512	0	0	I'm not like the rest of these guys.	Spamster	1
0	0	1596466	0	0	I get up at 6 o'clock every morning.	Eldad	1
0	0	1599058	0	0	It didn't take you long to get here.	Spamster	1
0	0	1602654	0	0	I want to dedicate this song to Tom.	Spamster	1
0	0	1617667	0	0	How do you know it won't break down?	Shishir	1
0	0	1617673	0	0	I hope it won't rain this afternoon.	Shishir	1
0	0	1627027	0	0	Tom lost more than a hundred pounds.	Spamster	1
0	0	1632113	0	0	I don't know much about your family.	Amastan	1
0	0	1632219	0	0	Why did you draw a face on the wall?	Amastan	1
0	0	1647286	0	0	I'm not taking a vacation this year.	Spamster	1
0	0	1648199	0	0	I don't know what's going to happen.	Spamster	1
0	0	1653504	0	0	What's Christmas like at your house?	CM	1
0	0	1655807	0	0	I don't have time to do the laundry.	Spamster	1
0	0	1661140	0	0	I'm trying to figure out a solution.	Amastan	1
0	0	1661963	0	0	I didn't expect you to come so soon.	avoidingrealwork	1
0	0	1669873	0	0	No one really knows what's going on.	Spamster	1
0	0	1669879	0	0	No one knows what's really going on.	Spamster	1
0	0	1680994	0	0	I doubt there's anyone following me.	erikspen	1
0	0	1687613	0	0	There must be some misunderstanding.	Spamster	1
0	0	1693399	0	0	Don't use this apparatus near water.	CM	1
0	0	1696937	0	0	What time do you want me to be here?	Amastan	1
0	0	1700158	0	0	I couldn't have expressed it better.	al_ex_an_der	1
0	0	1701452	0	0	I'm going there. No one can stop me.	Scott	1
0	0	1702473	0	0	Tom wants to become rich and famous.	Spamster	1