0 680493 0 0 They're academic champions. Source_VOA 117874 285790 彼の学問的な業績には感銘を与えるものがある。 \N His academic achievements are impressive. CM 143203 271365 政治に対する私の関心は専ら学問上のものです。 \N My interest in politics is strictly academic. CK 108900 294791 彼は学業に専心できない。 \N He is unable to concentrate on his academic work. CM 0 3070176 0 0 Academic fraud may be more common than you think. CK 0 3070175 0 0 Academic fraud is more common than you might think. CK 93267 310441 彼女はいつも自分の学歴を自慢している。 \N She always prides herself on her academic background. CK 0 3070177 0 0 Academic fraud is probably more common than most people think. CK 80248 323469 明日夜9時にアカデミック・アドバイザーに電話をかけることを、思い出させてください。 \N Could you remind me to call my academic advisor at 9:00 p.m. tomorrow? CK 203970 41212 たいてい、学生は学科の授業よりクラブ活動の方が好きだ。 mookeee More often than not, students prefer club activities to academic classes. CM