0 906685 0 0 What's your favorite activity? CK 1 0 909582 0 0 What activity do you spend most of your time doing? CK 1 0 1040676 0 0 Tom claimed that he didn't know his beach house was being used for illegal activities. CK 1 211688 48964 その街は活気にあふれていた。 bunbuku The town was full of activity. CM 0 1278930 0 0 We have more room for activities. Guybrush88 201950 39161 テレビを見ることは受動的活動である。 \N Watching TV is a passive activity. CK 126114 277878 町は活気でみなぎっていた。 \N The town was humming with activity. CM 0 906944 0 0 What's your favorite winter activity? CK 0 906898 0 0 What's your favorite summer activity? CK 0 2963475 0 0 I am fully aware of Tom's activities. Hybrid 0 906805 0 0 What's your favorite leisure activity? CK 0 906774 0 0 What's your favorite holiday activity? CK 92177 311534 彼女はたくさんの学校の活動に参加している。 marcelostockle She takes part in many school activities. CK 0 807430 0 0 There were all sorts of group activities. Source_VOA 0 1546943 0 0 Tom is showing no sings of brain activity. corvard 88075 315632 彼女は多くの学校の活動に参加する。 \N She participates in many school activities. CK 232931 70301 あなたは、なにか地域社会の活動に参加していますか。 \N Do you take part in any community activities? CK 110905 292781 彼はボランティア活動に専念した。 \N He devoted himself to the volunteer activity. CK 91519 312194 彼女はボランティア活動に専念した。 \N She devoted herself to the volunteer activity. CK 102575 301119 彼は多くの文化活動に専念した。 \N He devoted himself to many cultural activities. CK 164571 249936 私には政治活動に従事する暇はない。 \N I have no time to engage in political activity. CM 112148 291530 彼はそれ以来宗教活動に携わっている。 \N He has engaged in religious activity since then. CM 82713 321003 放課後にはクラブ活動があります。 \N We have extracurricular activities after school. CK 193097 30262 やっていることがたくさんあって時間がすっかりとられてしまう。 \N I have a lot of activities which take up my time. CK 0 1657214 0 0 And with that we finish the activities for today. charlotte13 0 1655788 0 0 Parents should monitor their children's activities. Spamster 140066 274417 息子の犯罪行為が彼に苦痛を与えた。 \N His son's criminal activities caused him great pain. CM 82717 320999 放課後クラブ活動に残る子供が多い。 \N Many children stay after school for club activities. CK 0 2264414 0 0 There's very little activity around here on Sundays. sharptoothed 0 681548 0 0 In many places, nature is threatened by human activity. Source_VOA 0 623297 0 0 Many companies monitor their employees' internet activity. darinmex 146894 267667 小売物価指数は経済活動のバロメーターです。 \N The retail price index is a barometer of economic activity. CM 186706 23842 火山活動で地面が盛り上がった。 \N The surface of the earth rose due to the volcanic activity. NekoKanjya 0 2259503 0 0 There's been a lot of activity around the office this morning. _undertoad 143172 271396 政治活動はほとんどの職場で止めさせられる傾向にある。 \N Political activity tends to be discouraged in most work places. CM 203970 1472984 たいてい、学生は学科の授業よりクラブ活動の方が好きだ。 mookeee Students usually like club activities better than their classes. CK 0 2258912 0 0 In addition to his regular job, he has a lot of other activities. _undertoad 143115 271453 政府は過激派グループの活動を注意深く監視した。 \N The government watched the activities of radical groups carefully. CM 0 2264488 0 0 With all these social activities, when do you get a chance to study? sharptoothed 203970 41212 たいてい、学生は学科の授業よりクラブ活動の方が好きだ。 mookeee More often than not, students prefer club activities to academic classes. CM 0 3125851 0 0 Tom's grandmother is quite feeble and needs help with her daily activities. patgfisher 172437 242038 今後とも、貴社と緊密なおつきあいをいただけますよう希望しております。 \N I hope that your future activities will expand our relationship with your firm. CK 149294 265264 実質上、我々が関わるすべての活動において、学習が行われるのだろう。 \N Learning probably takes place in virtually every activity in which we take part. CM 0 1141316 0 0 A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide pollution that we produce as a result of our activities. Some people try to reduce their carbon footprint because they are concerned about climate change. Source_VOA