1171978 277938 観客は深い感銘を受けた。 bunbuku The audience was deeply affected. CK 1 126053 277938 聴衆は深く感動した。 bunbuku The audience was deeply affected. CK 1 994759 51884 ストは国の経済をさまたげた。 mookeee The strike affected the nation's economy. CK 1 214591 51884 ストライキは国民経済に影響を与えた。 \N The strike affected the nation's economy. CK 1 118196 285468 彼のわざとらしい話し方が嫌いだ。 bunbuku I don't like his affected manner of speaking. CM 1 5007 1601 想像力は私たちの生活のどの側面にも影響を与える。 mookeee Imagination affects every aspect of our lives. CK 1 2303075 909588 子供のころの時間の過ごし方が、その後の人生を左右する。 tommy_san What you spend time doing in your childhood affects the rest of your life. CK 1 0 903714 0 0 There is an urgent need for understanding how climate change will affect our lives. CK 1 0 914048 0 0 How can it affect them? Jane_Austen 182824 19943 喫煙は健康に影響する。 \N Smoking affects our health. NekoKanjya 104268 299423 彼は暑さに当てられた。 \N He was affected by the heat. Scott 0 680098 0 0 Tom's kindness affected her. Source_VOA 0 2663415 0 0 This problem affects us all. CK 182822 19942 喫煙は健康に影響を与える。 \N Smoking affects your health. CK 0 2264350 0 0 She affects a foreign accent. sharptoothed 209953 47216 その事件は彼の将来に影響した。 \N The event affected his future. CM 203413 40651 タバコは彼の健康に影響した。 \N Smoking has affected his health. CK 211524 48801 その気候で健康を害した。 \N The climate affected his health. CM 0 3022321 0 0 This law only affects foreigners. sharptoothed 147446 267114 暑さにあたった。 \N I was affected by the summer heat. CK 154018 260525 私は彼のスピーチに心から感動した。 \N I was deeply affected by his speech. CK 1471022 680097 悪天候が彼の健康を害する。 may The bad weather affected his health. Source_VOA 0 2264386 0 0 The damp weather affects his health. sharptoothed 193517 30683 もし彼が死んだらさぞ悲しむだろう。 \N I'll be deeply affected by his death. CM 184044 21172 寒い気候は彼の身体にひびいた。 \N The cold climate affected his health. CK 222968 60299 この悪天候は作物に影響するだろう。 \N This bad weather will affect the crops. Nero 0 3132892 0 0 What happened affected my whole family. CK 117353 286311 彼の講演は聴衆を深く感動させた。 \N His speech deeply affected the audience. CK 212197 49476 その演説は聴衆に深い感動を与えた。 \N The speech deeply affected the audience. CK 0 682217 0 0 The tragic mistake affected many people. Source_VOA 0 1970211 0 0 I hope this won't affect our friendship. CK 214590 51883 ストライキは石炭の価格に影響を与えますか。 \N Will the strike affect the price of coal? CK 215920 53220 じめじめした寒い日は健康に悪い。 \N A damp, cold day affects a person's health. CM 0 562059 0 0 The recent events have affected him deeply. darinmex 0 804225 0 0 The Cold War also affected the Middle East. Source_VOA 0 1230700 0 0 Imagination affects every part of our lives. alec 140233 274340 増税がわれわれの生活にかなりの影響を及ぼした。 \N The tax increases affected our lives greatly. CK 147715 266845 出席状況が最終の成績に響きます。 \N Your attendance will affect your final grade. CK 117166 286498 彼の死を聞かせてくれて深く心を痛めた。 \N I was deeply affected when I heard of his death. CM 117167 286498 彼の死を聞かされて深く心を痛めた。 \N I was deeply affected when I heard of his death. CM 0 827844 0 0 Other peoples' expectations affect how we behave. Scott 0 2264292 0 0 I wasn't a bit affected by the news of his death. sharptoothed 0 2163118 0 0 A lack of sleep affected the singer's performance. Source_VOA 189563 26716 雨の量が作物の生育に影響するのですか。 \N Does the amount of rain affect the growth of crops? NekoKanjya 115960 287709 彼の勇敢な戦いの物語は我々を深く感動させた。 \N The story of his brave struggle affected us deeply. CM 218874 56189 これが実際に彼らの関係に影響するのだろうか。 \N Is this in fact going to affect their relationships? CM 183208 20331 気候が木や植物の成長に影響を与えた。 \N The climate affected the growth of trees and plants. NekoKanjya 0 2264210 0 0 He always affects indifference when you mention her. sharptoothed 0 1892278 0 0 Gasoline prices affect all of us one way or another. CK 217743 55053 これらの問題を、その計画に影響させてはならない。 \N We must not allow these problems to affect the project. CK