2834239 680117 トムは広告代理店を立ち上げた。 tommy_san Tom started an advertising agency. Source_VOA 1 0 1092195 0 0 Tom works for a translation agency. CK 1 152337 252381 私は旅行代理店で働いています。 \N I work for a travel agency. CK 162134 252381 私は、旅行会社に勤めています。 \N I work for a travel agency. CK 0 896133 0 0 I work in a tourist agency. pauldhunt 78146 325572 旅行会社の収益が急増した。 mookeee Travel agencies' profits soared. CM 190097 27253 一番近い旅行代理店はどこにありますか。 \N Where's the nearest travel agency? CK 0 680119 0 0 A talent agency represents actors. Source_VOA 995026 1310423 一番近い旅行代理店はどこですか? mookeee Where is the closest travel agency? NekoKanjya 107366 296320 彼は広告会社に勤めている。 \N He works for an advertising agency. CK 0 680118 0 0 Tom works for the Environmental Protection Agency. Source_VOA 117475 286189 彼の公式の肩書きは環境庁長官です。 mookeee His official title is Director-General of the Environment Agency. bluepie88 219465 56785 この娘はこの前のバイトをよこした代理店から送られてきたのか。 \N Does she come from the agency that sent the last temporary I had? CK 221238 58561 この重役のポストに適当な人物を見つけるには、人材斡旋業者に依頼する必要がある。 \N We'll need a head hunting agency to find the right man for this executive position. CK 0 1559499 0 0 I have recently used the services of his travel agency to book a cruise in the Mediterranean. sam_m 0 2817554 0 0 Tom is now working for a secret service agency. However, he can't say which one, because that must remain a secret. patgfisher