108522 295164 彼は議長に任命された。 mookeee He was appointed chairman. CK 1 0 1027283 0 0 They appointed Tom chairman. CK 1 0 680232 0 0 Tom appointed her as manager. Source_VOA 1 1211960 388631 彼女は議長に任命された。 bunbuku She was appointed chairperson. CK 1 90555 388631 彼女は議長に指名された。 bunbuku She was appointed chairperson. CK 1 0 953887 0 0 I've been appointed to help you. CK 1 119568 284094 彼が任命される見込みはない。 bunbuku There is no hope of his being appointed. bluepie88 1 0 1029766 0 0 Tom appointed Mary to act as his assistant. CK 1 0 1094803 0 0 Tom didn't expect to be appointed chairman. CK 1 143116 271452 政府は委員会を設けてその事故の解明にあたらせた。 mookeee The government appointed a committee to investigate the accident. CK 1 0 680231 0 0 They appointed a judge. Source_VOA 96291 307414 彼らは彼を支配人に任命した。 \N They appointed him manager. CK 98047 305655 彼らはジムを支配人に任命した。 \N They appointed Jim manager. CK 157710 256821 私は議長に指名された。 \N I was appointed chairperson. CK 96298 307407 彼らは彼を議長に任命した。 \N They appointed him chairman. CK 227773 65126 オーナーの人達は彼を支配人に任命した。 \N The owners appointed him manager. CK 96272 307433 彼らは彼を理事に任命した。 \N They appointed him as a director. CK 96250 307455 彼らは彼女を任命してその仕事をやらせた。 \N They appointed her to do the task. CK 79539 324179 約束の日がせまっている。 \N The appointed day is close at hand. CK 166479 248023 私たちはすぐに新しい先生を任命しなければならない。 \N We must appoint a new teacher soon. CK 141223 273349 浅田さんが議長に任命されました。 \N Ms. Asada was appointed chairperson. CK 97678 1478181 彼らはホワイト氏を支配人に指名した。 \N They appointed Mr. White as manager. CK 149169 265389 社長は新しい部長を任命した。 \N The president appointed a new manager. CK 0 2264236 0 0 He was appointed adviser to the board. sharptoothed 113508 290165 彼はジョンにかわりを務めるように命じた。 \N He appointed John to act as his deputy. CK 102128 301566 彼は駐英大使に選ばれた。 \N He was appointed ambassador to Britain. CK 185574 22706 我々は彼を代表に指名した。 \N We appointed him as our representative. CK 79540 324178 約束の時間までに必ずここへ来るように。 \N Be sure to come here by the appointed time. CK 95951 307754 彼をその職に任ずる必要はない。 \N We have no call to appoint him to the post. CM 79541 324177 約束の時間までに必ずここに来なさい。 \N Don't fail to come here by the appointed time. CK 79543 324175 約束の時間までにここに必ずくる。 \N Do not fail to come here by the appointed time. CM 0 1487927 0 0 She showed up in the park at the appointed time. arnxy20 195253 32427 まもなく彼は教授に任命された。 \N It was not long before he was appointed professor. CM 0 3023967 0 0 This is Tom Jackson, your court appointed attorney. CK 0 1477102 0 0 The board unanimously decided to appoint her as CEO. weihaiping 126028 277964 調査委員会の新委員を任命しなければならない。 bunbuku We have to appoint new members of the examining board. CM 1659892 277964 審議会の新しいメンバーを任命する必要がある。 bunbuku We have to appoint new members of the examining board. CM 148425 266134 首相が閣僚を任命する。 \N The prime minister appoints the members of his cabinet. CM 102125 301569 彼は駐日アメリカ大使に命じられたばかりです。 \N He has just been appointed the U.S. Ambassador to Japan. CK 102125 1008785 彼は駐日アメリカ大使に命じられたばかりです。 \N He was just appointed as the American ambassador to Japan. AOCinJAPAN 0 1893609 0 0 We're talking about who we should appoint to that position. CK 0 2836733 0 0 If you can't afford a lawyer, one will be appointed to you. CK 208233 45490 その大臣は気心の知れた仲間を重要な地位につけました。 \N The minister appointed one of his cronies to a key position. CK 147965 266593 重役会は彼を社長にした。 \N The executive committee appointed him the president of the company. CM 136929 276307 誰が議長に任命されるかについて、激しい議論がかわされた。 \N There was a heated argument as to who should be appointed chairman. CM 0 2247171 0 0 If you want a lawyer and can't afford one, one will be appointed to you. CK 79238 324479 由香は新任の英語の先生に紹介されたとたん、恋におちた。 \N Yuka fell in love the moment she was introduced to the newly-appointed English teacher. CK 82651 321065 法律的な実務は政府が任命する弁護士、そのほかの専門家が行うことになっている。 \N Legal services will be provided by lawyers and other experts to be appointed by the government. CM