0 2237363 0 0 Tom loves architecture. CK 1 0 1024956 0 0 Tom is majoring in architecture. CK 1 192247 29411 ローマは古代建築で有名だ。 \N Rome is famous for its ancient architecture. CK 158595 255934 私はローマ建築に深い感銘を受けた。 \N I was deeply impressed by Roman architecture. CK 0 680999 0 0 Foreign countries have beautiful architecture. Source_VOA 0 1020963 0 0 Valencia is famous for its unusual architecture. CM 168381 246106 市の地区の建物はみな醜悪だ。 \N The architecture in this part of the city is ugly. CM 168386 246106 市のこの地区の建物は皆醜悪だ。 \N The architecture in this part of the city is ugly. CM 0 2957477 0 0 Tom loves architecture more than anything else in the world. CK 137376 275860 大都市の魅力のひとつは、その建物の建築様式に見られる多様性にある。 \N Part of the charm of a big city lies in the variety of styles that can be seen in the architecture of its buildings. CM