0 2057790 0 0 I'm not assigning blame. CK 1 0 1029610 0 0 Tom assigned the job to Mary. CK 1 0 1029611 0 0 Tom assigned Mary to do the job. CK 1 0 2539692 0 0 I've been assigned to work with you. CK 1 0 1095132 0 0 Tom couldn't decide who to assign the job to. CK 1 236035 73417 10人の警官がその地域のパトロールについた。 mookeee Ten policemen were assigned to patrol that area. mookeee 1 103932 299760 彼は職務を与えられた。 \N He was assigned a task. Nero 106029 297657 彼は私に新しい仕事を割り当てた。 \N He assigned me a new job. CK 92470 388389 彼女はその仕事を彼に課した。 \N She assigned him to the job. CK 92470 388390 彼女はその仕事を彼に課した。 \N She assigned the work to him. CK 97932 305771 彼らはその作業を私たちに割り当てた。 \N They assigned the task to us. CK 164364 250145 私に新しい部屋が割り当てられた。 \N A new room was assigned to me. CK 105993 297693 彼は私に読むべき本を3冊指定した。 \N He assigned me three books to read. CK 97021 306683 彼らは私に小さな部屋を割り当てた。 \N They have assigned me a small room. CK 0 2958713 0 0 Tom will be assigned to assist you. CK 146243 268319 上司はその大変な仕事を私に割り当てた。 \N My boss assigned the hard job to me. CM 196343 33521 ぼくはその仕事にもっと人数をふやさなければならない。 \N I have to assign more men to that work. CK 0 2538997 0 0 I was assigned to deal with the matter. CK 165463 249042 私たちは大きな教室を割り当てられた。 bunbuku We have been assigned the large classroom. CK 141573 272997 先生は私達に宿題として10題の問題を割り当てた。 \N The teacher assigned us ten problems for homework. CK 118473 285190 彼に与えられた職務は市場調査だった。 bunbuku The task assigned to him was to do marketing research. CM 0 3071528 0 0 The teacher assigned a three-page theme for Friday's class. sharptoothed 219853 57173 この母音変化はそれぞれの単語に指定される全体のアクセントパターンと大いに関係している。 \N This vowel change has much to do with the overall accent pattern assigned to each word. CM