0 1493531 0 0 Tom is average. Spamster 1 0 1534071 0 0 Tom is average looking. Spamster 1 0 2218086 0 0 You're average students. CK 1 102544 301150 彼は打率が高い。 bunbuku He has a high batting average. CK 1 152919 261626 私は平均して1日6時間眠ります。 \N I sleep six hours a day on average. Swift 1 0 1093468 0 0 Tom is just an average-looking guy. CK 1 2556248 2452057 此処の平均温度はどれくらい? OrangeTart What's the average temperature here? sharptoothed 1 2570505 2452021 平均で一週間に一回は映画に行きます。 OrangeTart On the average, I go to the movies once a week. sharptoothed 1 0 909529 0 0 How much time does the average teenager watch TV every day? CK 1 0 1024662 0 0 Tom isn't your average guy. He doesn't like things most guys like and he doesn't like to do things most men enjoy doing. CK 1 0 1534072 0 0 Mary is average looking. Spamster 0 2815476 0 0 He is of average height. korobo4ka 0 680308 0 0 They're average students. Source_VOA 117227 286438 彼の仕事は標準以下だ。 \N His work is below average. CK 178269 17122 君の仕事は平均以下だ。 \N Your work is below average. CK 0 3069742 0 0 Tom is just an average Joe. Hybrid 0 680309 0 0 They are of average height. Source_VOA 163219 477358 私の成績は平均以上だ。 \N My grades are above average. CK 0 2453028 0 0 Tom is shorter than average. sharptoothed 0 680307 0 0 It's an average day at work. Source_VOA 0 1626136 0 0 My school marks were average. CM 163219 251293 私の成績は平均以上だ。 \N My grade is above the average. CK 184433 21561 学校の成績は普通でしたよ。 \N My school grades were average. CK 100173 303524 彼は平均的な背丈だ。 bunbuku He was a man of average height. CK 235346 72724 3と4と5の平均は4です。 \N The average of 3, 4 and 5 is 4. CK 165163 249343 私たちは平均八時間働く。 \N We average 8 hour's work a day. CK 235019 72398 7、10、16の平均は11である。 \N The average of 7, 10, and 16 is 11. CK 0 1748906 0 0 My school grades have been average. belgavox 83563 320153 平均気温が上昇した。 \N The average temperature has gone up. CK 101497 302198 彼は日に平均10時間は勉強した。 \N He studies ten hours a day on average. CM 223851 61186 このクラスの平均年齢は何歳ですか。 \N What is the average age of this class? CK 88783 314924 彼女は週平均10ポンド稼ぐ。 \N She earns on average ten pounds a week. CK 85795 317918 費用は平均して1日10ドルだ。 \N The expenses average ten dollars a day. CK 122820 281182 日本での平均寿命はどれだけですか。 \N What is the average life span in Japan? CK 0 2641005 0 0 Tom and Mary are just average students. CK 0 2761554 0 0 The average life of a dog is ten years. sharptoothed 118107 285557 彼の英語の能力は平均以上だ。 \N His ability in English is above average. CK 82236 250608 僕の学校の成績は平均をかなり上回ってきた。 \N My work at school was well above average. CK 163902 250608 私の学校の成績は平均をかなり上回っていた。 \N My work at school was well above average. CK 192001 29163 わが戦闘機の延べ出撃機数は平均1日430機であった。 \N Our fighters averaged 430 missions a day. Zifre 208389 45646 その選手達の平均身長はどのくらいですか。 \N What is the average height of the players? CK 224377 61712 ここの7月の平均降雨量はどのくらいですか。 \N What is the average rainfall for July here? CM 217857 55167 これらの小包の重さは平均すると2ポンドです。 \N On average, these packages weigh two pounds. CM 0 802574 0 0 They were not at all like average Americans. Source_VOA 171367 243108 今年の冬は気温が平均以上だ。 \N The temperature is above average this winter. CK 178167 17019 君の成績は今学期は平均よりだいぶ下だった。 \N Your marks were well below average this term. Zifre 100163 303534 彼は並みの大学生より一段上だ。 \N He is a cut above the average college student. CM 4907 393061 私のことを凡人だと思うのはやめて! bunbuku Stop thinking of me as just an average person. CM 119469 284194 彼が満点を取ったのでクラスの平均点があがった。 \N His perfect score brought the class average up. CM 83564 320152 平均して1日何マイル歩きますか。 \N On an average how many miles do you walk a day? CM