218460 548021 これは基本です。 \N This is basic. NekoKanjya 1 218460 548023 これは基本です。 \N These are the basics. CK 1 0 1094195 0 0 Tom easily learned the basic rules of the game. CK 1 0 1983986 0 0 It's a basic human right. Spamster 0 2569575 0 0 Food is a basic necessity. Hybrid 0 2508036 0 0 Let's start with the basics. Hybrid 0 1737253 0 0 This is one of the basic rules. Spamster 178426 17278 君の基本的な理論はおかしいと思う。 \N I think your basic theory is wrong. CK 143558 271009 数学はすべての科学の基礎である。 \N Mathematics is basic to all sciences. CK 179375 18233 空気は食べ物と同様、人間が根本的に必要とするものだ。 \N Air, like food, is a basic human need. Zifre 0 1519492 0 0 It's one of the basic human instincts. Spamster 186938 24075 家族は社会の基本的単位である。 \N The family is the basic unit of society. NekoKanjya 211569 48846 その基本的な意味は変わらない。 \N The basic meaning of it remains the same. CM 0 516086 0 0 The rooms in this hotel are pretty basic. darinmex 151978 262575 私達の基本的な問題は、ノウハウが無いという事だ。 \N Our basic problem is the lack of know-how. CM 175226 239240 犬を飼うための基本的なルールは何ですか。 \N What are the basic rules for keeping a dog? CM 221971 59297 この講座では応急手当の基本的な技能を教えます。 \N This course teaches basic skills in First Aid. Nero 138266 274969 多数決原理が民主主義の根本原則だ。 \N Majority rule is a basic principle of democracy. CM 183527 20650 基本ルールを学んでしまえば、そのゲームは簡単です。 \N That game is easy, once you learn the basic rules. NekoKanjya 122232 1538169 日本人は米と魚を主食にしています。 bunbuku The Japanese's basic diet consists of rice and fish. Scott 0 516199 0 0 I finally understand the basic principles of calculus. darinmex 0 2662602 0 0 We're trying to teach Tom basic problem-solving skills. CK 122232 1538285 日本人は米と魚を主食にしています。 bunbuku The basic Japanese diet consists mainly of rice and fish. Scott 0 2999438 0 0 By second grade, students are expected to have basic reading and writing skills. patgfisher 144827 269737 親の中には、子供たちが数について基本的なことを十分教わっていないのではないか、と心配しているものも多い。 \N Many parents are worried their children are not being given a basic understanding of numbers. CM