0 2244999 0 0 Bear with me. CK 1 185472 1950769 我慢できない。 mookeee I can't bear it. CK 1 0 2799074 0 0 Tom shot a bear. AlanF_US 1 0 2648400 0 0 Tom can't bear it. CK 1 157505 257026 私は熊が怖い。 bunbuku I am afraid of bears. CK 1 1723978 1081294 熊は木登りをします。 anko Bears can climb trees. Vortarulo 1 125692 278300 痛くてたまらない。 marcelostockle I can't bear the pain. CK 1 211329 48603 その熊は私を追いかけた。 \N The bear ran after me. CK 1 1642211 325817 ハンターは熊を撃った。 mookeee The hunter shot a bear. CK 1 77901 325817 猟師は熊を撃った。 mookeee The hunter shot a bear. CK 1 220488 57812 この痛みは我慢できない。 \N I can't bear this pain. CK 1 179223 18079 熊は木に登る事ができる。 mookeee A bear can climb a tree. CK 1 0 2387254 0 0 I must bear that in mind. CK 1 101391 302305 彼は熱さにがまんできなかった。 \N He couldn't bear the heat. CK 1 158462 256067 私は一人で暮らすことに耐えられない。 \N I can't bear living alone. CK 1 194465 1447680 もうこれ以上我慢できない。 \N I can't bear it any longer. CK 1 0 1954667 0 0 You can't outrun that bear. CK 1 0 1950773 0 0 I can't bear to look at Tom. CK 1 0 1950771 0 0 I can't bear this any longer. CK 1 0 2713115 0 0 I can't bear the pain anymore. CK 1 2043940 1950772 トムはメアリーを見る勇気がない。 bunbuku Tom can't bear to look at Mary. CK 1 997189 953095 この辺りに熊は出ますか? mookeee Are there any bears around here? CK 1 0 1950774 0 0 Tom can't bear to open his eyes. CK 1 0 1950775 0 0 Tom can't bear to think about it. CK 1 179222 18078 熊は死体には触れないものだ。 mookeee A bear will not touch a dead body. Nero 1 217602 54912 これ以上その騒音を我慢することはできない。 \N I can't bear the noise any longer. CK 1 77902 325816 猟師は熊の足跡をたどった。 mookeee The hunter followed the bear's tracks. CK 1 121100 282907 彼があんな風に泣くのを見るのは堪えられない。 bunbuku I can't bear to see him cry like that. CK 1 0 1029510 0 0 Tom can't bear even the sight of Mary. CK 1 0 1095618 0 0 Tom can't bear to see Mary so unhappy. CK 1 0 1950770 0 0 I can't bear the thought of losing you. CK 1 2976179 2976311 トムはいつも熊のぬいぐるみを抱いて寝ている。 tommy_san Tom always sleeps hugging his teddy bear. CK 1 81160 322555 万一熊にであったら、死んだふりをしなさい。 mookeee If you should meet a bear, pretend to be dead. Dejo 1 0 1095163 0 0 Tom couldn't bear to look at Mary's dead body. CK 1 223374 60707 このはしごはわたしの体重を支えるのに十分なほど丈夫なのですか。 bunbuku Is this ladder strong enough to bear my weight? CM 1 0 2263548 0 0 We watched the baby snuggling with her teddy bear. CK 1 0 1095619 0 0 Tom can't bear the thought of Mary going out with John. CK 1 0 1095164 0 0 Tom couldn't bear the pain any more so he shot himself. CK 1 1125882 278306 我慢できない痛みだったため、彼は薬を飲んだ。 bunbuku The pain was more than he could bear, so he took some medicine. CK 1 125687 278306 痛みがあまりひどかったので、彼は薬を飲んだ。 marcelostockle The pain was more than he could bear, so he took some medicine. CK 1 0 1023760 0 0 When Tom couldn't bear the pain any longer, he went to the hospital. CK 1 154216 260327 私は彼になんの悪意も持っていない。 \N I bear him no malice. CM 0 3330310 0 0 I'll bear it in mind. CK 0 2975876 0 0 The bear ate an apple. KiwiCreme 0 1181178 0 0 I'll bear that in mind. Eldad 116516 287152 彼の忠告を肝に銘じて忘れるな。 \N Bear his advice in mind. CM 200655 37857 とてもお腹が空いているの。 \N I'm as hungry as a bear. CK 87182 316526 彼女は彼女のクマをテッドと呼びました。 \N She called her bear Ted. CK 92555 311155 彼女はその音に我慢できない。 \N She can't bear the noise. Eldad 98103 305599 彼らはくまを生け捕りにした。 marcelostockle They caught a bear alive. CK