0 3016610 0 0 I'm not proud of my behavior. CK 1 0 2291873 0 0 I apologize for Tom's behavior. CK 1 179126 17982 君がそんな態度をとるなんて意外だった。 bunbuku I'm surprised at your behavior. Zifre 1 0 2642276 0 0 Tom's behavior was unacceptable. CK 1 0 2540850 0 0 I'm worried about Tom's behavior. CK 1 0 1023865 0 0 Tom's behavior wasn't acceptable. CK 1 0 1092355 0 0 Tom was shocked by Mary's behavior. CK 1 0 2539745 0 0 I'm not surprised at Tom's behavior. CK 1 0 1027761 0 0 Tom was surprised by Mary's behavior. CK 1 1142227 286281 彼の行動にはいつも驚かされる。 bunbuku His behavior never ceases to surprise me. CK 1 117383 286281 彼の行動にはいつもびっくりさせられる。 bunbuku His behavior never ceases to surprise me. CK 1 2852973 2852984 トムの行動にはいつも驚かされる。 tommy_san Tom's behavior never ceases to surprise me. CK 1 0 2028643 0 0 I want you all to be on your best behavior. CK 1 0 1095919 0 0 Tom apologized for his son's rude behavior. CK 1 2140578 1029493 トムはメアリーの振る舞いにこれ以上我慢することができない。 bunbuku Tom can't put up with Mary's behavior anymore. CK 1 0 1028474 0 0 Tom is totally disgusted with Mary's behavior. CK 1 0 1092761 0 0 Tom thought Mary's behavior was inappropriate. CK 1 0 1029494 0 0 Tom can't put up with Mary's behavior any longer. CK 1 0 1884501 0 0 Tom has no idea what to do about Mary's behavior. CK 1 0 1028107 0 0 Tom says he can't ignore Mary's behavior any longer. CK 1 0 1163491 0 0 Some people felt that Tom's behavior was inappropriate. CK 1 0 1028105 0 0 Tom says he can't put up with Mary's behavior any longer. CK 1 198916 36112 なんてひどい行為だろう! \N What vile behavior! CM 117379 286285 彼の行動に私は、困惑した。 \N His behavior puzzled me. CM 116859 286809 彼の振る舞いは私たちにショックを与えた。 \N His behavior shocked us. CM 116858 286810 彼の振る舞いは私たちを悩ませる。 \N His behavior troubles us. CM 0 3115352 0 0 His behavior bothered me. Theocracy 869766 620124 君の立ち振る舞い方が気に入らない。 thyc244 I don't like your behavior. ulyssemc1 117538 286126 彼の言動には嫌気が差す。 \N His behavior makes me sick. CM 156284 258250 私は自分のふるまいを恥じた。 \N I was ashamed of my behavior. CK 104908 298782 彼は自分の振る舞いを恥じている。 \N He is ashamed of his behavior. CK 0 2327208 0 0 Your behavior was disgraceful. Hybrid 0 749404 0 0 I am ashamed of your behavior. Serhiy 171847 242628 今日の彼の振る舞いはとても変だ。 \N His behavior is very odd today. CK 118361 1099472 彼のきざな態度は頭にくる。 \N His smug behavior is offensive. NekoKanjya 116862 403310 彼の振る舞いに腹が立った。 \N I was offended by his behavior. CK 0 2713045 0 0 I'm fed up with Tom's behavior. CK 94416 309290 彼女の行動はばかげているように感じられた。 \N Her behavior struck me as silly. CM 117382 403606 彼の行動にはほとんど我慢できない。 \N I can barely stand his behavior. CK 208166 45423 その男の行動はとても変だった。 \N The man's behavior was very odd. CK 116560 287109 彼の態度を見習いなさい。 \N You should imitate his behavior. CM 94426 309280 彼女の行いは軽蔑するにも値しない。 \N Her behavior is beneath contempt. CM 116856 286812 彼の振る舞いは賞賛に値する。 \N His behavior is worthy of praise. CM 0 1153474 0 0 His rude behavior makes me angry. CK 117368 286296 彼の行動は時々奇妙だ。 \N His behavior is sometimes strange. CK 116854 286814 彼の振る舞いは尊敬に値する。 \N His behavior is worthy of respect. CM 228919 66277 いったいどうやってあなたは自分の行動を正当化するのですか。 \N How can you justify your behavior? CK 94663 309043 彼女のふるまいに我慢できない。 \N I cannot put up with her behavior. CM 139943 274436 息子は自分のふるまいを恥じている。 \N My son is ashamed of his behavior. CK 0 1562123 0 0 We were surprised by his behavior. kerbear407