0 1094018 0 0 Tom gave Mary the benefit of the doubt. CK 1 0 1093399 0 0 Tom isn't currently collecting unemployment benefits. CK 1 211779 49056 その会社は全社員に対して健康保険と生命保険をかけている。 mookeee The company provides health care and life insurance benefits for all of its employees. CK 1 0 2116326 0 0 What are the benefits? freddy1 0 2645004 0 0 This is for your benefit. CK 0 1844598 0 0 What's the benefit of this? shanghainese 219817 57136 この法律は貧しい人々のためになるであろう。 \N This law will benefit the poor. CK 205092 42334 それは社会のためになるだろう。 \N That will benefit the community. CM 0 1855105 0 0 The benefits outweigh the costs. Spamster 118472 285189 彼に有利に解釈してやれよ。 \N Give him the benefit of the doubt. CK 0 2944083 0 0 Who stands to benefit from the murder? Hybrid 0 975251 0 0 He was given the benefit of the doubt. sacredceltic 0 546780 0 0 We can all benefit from his experience. darinmex 104875 298814 彼は自分の洞察力という利益を彼らに与えてやった。 \N He gave them the benefit of her insight. CM 0 3154016 0 0 Let's give Tom the benefit of the doubt. CK 88996 314711 彼女は自分の洞察力という利益を彼らに与えてやった。 \N She gave them the benefit of her insight. CM 0 1030605 0 0 The job comes with a lot of fringe benefits. darinmex 177203 16052 君は自分のためになるような書物を読むべきだ。 \N You should read such books as will benefit you. CK 184227 21355 学生会館は学生のためにある。 \N The student hall is for benefit of the students. CK 121863 282141 熱帯雨林は地球に多くの恩恵を与える。 \N Rainforests provide the earth with many benefits. CK 186877 24014 科学の進歩は必ずしも人類に利益を与えるとは限らない。 \N Advances in science don't always benefit humanity. CK 210292 47557 その子たちはよい教育を受けたという有利な点を持っていた。 \N The children had the benefit of a good upbringing. Nero 125277 278716 適度の運動はあなたの健康のためになるだろう。 \N Moderate exercise will be of benefit to your health. CM 0 954500 0 0 What are some of the health benefits of eating fish? CK 145347 269216 新しい道路は山間の住民の利益になる。 \N The new road will benefit the people living in the hills. CM 0 539155 0 0 I've given him the benefit of the doubt one too many times. darinmex 150138 264419 自ら志願した人たちが障害者の為に寄付を集めた。 \N Volunteers collected donations for the benefit of the handicapped. CK 162441 252073 私の両親が課した厳しい規則は、結局私のためを思ってのことだったことが実感としてよくわかった。 bunbuku I got it through my head that my parent's strict rules were for my own benefit. Dejo