0 2253841 0 0 Use your brain. CK 1 101709 301985 彼は頭がいい。 bunbuku He has a good brain. CM 1 0 2956820 0 0 Tom had a brain tumor. CK 1 0 2544940 0 0 I wish I had Tom's brains. CK 1 99357 304339 彼は優秀な脳外科医だ。 bunbuku He's an excellent brain surgeon. CK 1 0 680414 0 0 Tom is the brains of our company. Source_VOA 1 0 2396222 0 0 Is it really possible to do a brain transplant? CK 1 0 1092938 0 0 Tom shot Mary in the knee before he blew her brains out. CK 1 0 1774063 0 0 Tom's father was diagnosed with a brain tumor last year. Spamster 1 206471 43719 その問題の処理に彼は頭を抱え込んでいる。 bunbuku He's racking his brains about how to deal with the matter. Nero 1 0 1025422 0 0 Tom has been racking his brains for a solution to the problem. CK 1 87714 315992 彼女は頭がよい。 \N She has brains. CM 123847 280148 頭の中がいっぱい。 \N My brain is full. CM 0 1869523 0 0 It's a brain-teaser. Spamster 0 1488710 0 0 Tom is brain damaged. Spamster 237438 245571 姉はすごく頭がいい。 mookeee My sister has a very good brain. CM 163558 245571 私の姉はとても頭が良い。 \N My sister has a very good brain. CM 208042 45299 その男は自分の脳を撃ち抜いた。 \N The man blew out his own brains. CK 0 1424390 0 0 Do people ever pick your brains? pepasepar 154846 259693 私は答えを出そうと脳みそをしぼった。 \N I racked my brains for an answer. CK 0 1757363 0 0 She's an excellent brain surgeon. Eldad 113096 290579 彼はその陰謀の陰の指導者だった。 \N He was the brains behind the plot. CK 0 831353 0 0 We need to rack our brains some more. FeuDRenais 893266 807311 彼の脳内で血管が破裂した。 thyc244 A blood vessel burst inside his brain. Source_VOA 175428 239037 健本当にコンピューターに取り付かれているようだね。 \N Ken's really got computers on the brain. CM 0 2006421 0 0 Some people say that fish is brain food. CK 0 2259948 0 0 You have to use your brains in this work. _undertoad 0 2267230 0 0 I'm racking my brains to find a solution. _undertoad 0 1132856 0 0 Are you saying that I don't have a brain? Guybrush88 0 1546943 0 0 Tom is showing no sings of brain activity. corvard 0 680415 0 0 The human brain weighs about three pounds. Source_VOA 0 1037266 0 0 If a brain can do it, a computer can do it. GPHemsley 0 720520 0 0 After that English exam, my brain is fried. Zifre 109159 294531 彼は我が国有数の頭脳の一人だ。 \N He is one of the best brains in our country. CK 146896 267665 小脳は血液の不断の供給を必要とする。 mookeee The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. CK 0 3109521 0 0 I don't understand how the human brain works. Hybrid 171531 242944 今日は頭がさえません。 \N My brain doesn't seem to be working well today. CK 0 1546946 0 0 They say Tom's brain isn't functioning anymore. corvard 0 1546936 0 0 Tom's brain was deprived of oxygen for too long. corvard 0 2959353 0 0 I racked my brains for a new idea for an article. sharptoothed 178702 17554 君にその違いがわかるくらいの頭があってほしいなあ。 \N I hope you have brains enough to see the difference. Zifre 193780 30948 もしも脳が死んでいたら、その患者を死なせてあげるべきです。 \N If the brain is dead, we should let the patient die. CM 152016 262537 私達には、必要なものすべて、すなわち、お金と時間と能力とが、そろっている。 \N We have everything we need; money, time, and brains. CK 0 478481 0 0 I'd explain it to you, but your brain would explode. darinmex 189405 26556 運動の身体に対する関係は、思考の頭脳に対する関係と同じだ。 \N Exercise is to the body what thinking is to the brain. NekoKanjya 206472 43720 その問題の処理に彼は頭を抱えている。 \N He's racking his brains over how to deal with the matter. CM 0 2258214 0 0 Even if you rack your brains over it, you won't solve it. _undertoad 184294 21422 学生たちは脳死の問題について長々と議論した。 \N Students discussed the problem of brain death for a long time. CK 0 847224 0 0 When your stomach is busy, digesting a big meal your brain takes a vacation. Source_Benedict_1921 0 1209524 0 0 Boredom, routine, and lack of curiosity are the greatest enemies of our brain. CM