Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Bunch"
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0	2544618	0	0	They're a bunch of losers.	CK	1
0	2954914	0	0	You're all a bunch of losers.	CK	1
997157	953067	かなりの人が爆発で亡くなった。	mookeee	A bunch of people died in the explosion.	CK	1
997158	953068	そこでは食べるなと少なくない人に言われた。	mookeee	A bunch of people told me not to eat there.	CK	1
0	1027003	0	0	Tom bought a bunch of grapes and I ate them.	CK	1
997159	953069	かなりの数の人が待って外に立っている。	mookeee	A bunch of people were standing outside waiting.	CK	1
0	1027002	0	0	Tom bought a bunch of inexpensive cameras to give to children who lived in his neighborhood.	CK	1
1520765	953657	大勢の人が私たちと水上スキーに行くと思ったが、全く誰も姿を見せなかった。	bunbuku	I thought a bunch of people would go water skiing with us, but absolutely no one else showed up.	CK	1
1520166	953657	たくさんの人が私たちと水上スキーに行くと思っていたが、他に誰ひとりとして現れなかった。	bunbuku	I thought a bunch of people would go water skiing with us, but absolutely no one else showed up.	CK	1
0	3013398	0	0	I lost a bunch of keys.	kerbear407
0	1636120	0	0	It's a bunch of nonsense.	Spamster
0	2543429	0	0	They're a bunch of windbags.	CK
0	1117848	0	0	Smokers are a bunch of idiots.	Scott
0	1423071	0	0	That book has a bunch of pages.	marcelostockle
0	2267114	0	0	I want a small bunch of grapes.	_undertoad
102596	301098	彼は多くの古い手紙を捨てた。	\N	He threw away a bunch of old letters.	CK
0	3086921	0	0	Tom put a bunch of letters on Mary's desk.	CK
0	713017	0	0	Used car salesmen are a disreputable bunch.	darinmex
0	2956196	0	0	Tom came into the room, carrying a bunch of flowers	CK
209535	46797	その若者が女の子をちんぴらの連中から救った。	\N	The young man saved the girl from a bunch of hoodlums.	CK
1764093	46797	その若い男性は、少女を不良の集団から助け出した。	bunbuku	The young man saved the girl from a bunch of hoodlums.	CK
203771	41011	たくさんの人々が他人を押し分けて後部出口に向かった。	mookeee	A bunch of people thrust their way toward the rear exit.	CM
0	2530547	0	0	There are a bunch of kids playing tag on the playground.	CK
187329	24466	何年か前、彼女は暴走族の連中と付き合っていた。	\N	Years ago, she used to hang around with a bunch of bikers.	NekoKanjya
153307	261236	私は彼女のもてなしのお返しにバラの花束を贈った。	\N	I gave a bunch of roses to her in return for her hospitality.	CK
175552	238913	健は僕に数学の試験で95点を取ったって言っていたが、全くのでたらめだった。	\N	Ken told me he got 95 on the math exam, but that's a bunch of baloney.	CM
0	1898187	0	0	There are a bunch of kids playing on the street just outside my window.	CK
156538	257996	私は市場でリンゴを3個にブドウを二房、デザート用に買った。	marcelostockle	I bought three apples and two bunches of grapes for dessert at the market.	CK
0	2958538	0	0	Tom was hanging out with a bunch of other boys, most of them a bit older than him.	CK
0	3003449	0	0	Tom snuck out and surreptitiously bought Mary a big bunch of flowers for their wedding anniversary.	patgfisher