Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Calculate"
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0	1095717	0	0	Tom calculated his expenses.	CK	1
1186798	42827	私の見積もりでは、それは300ドルかかるだろうということだった。	bunbuku	I calculated that it would cost 300 dollars.	CK	1
205582	42827	それは300ドルかかると私は算定した。	\N	I calculated that it would cost 300 dollars.	CK	1
152413	262137	私は来週いくらお金を使うか計算しなければならない。	bunbuku	I must calculate how much money I'll spend next week.	CK	1
0	1026931	0	0	Tom calculated that the total would be over 900 dollars.	CK	1
0	1029550	0	0	Tom calculated that he had given Mary over 34,000 dollars in the past six months.	CK	1
0	3281741	0	0	Tom didn't want to waste any more time calculating how much time had been wasted.	CK	1
106479	297206	彼は支出を計算した。	\N	He calculated the expenses.	CK
0	1664448	0	0	I am calculating my salary.	Amastan
0	1662334	0	0	Tom is calculating his salary.	Amastan
107451	296235	彼は光の速度を計算した。	bunbuku	He calculated the speed of light.	CK
217239	54547	コンピューターは非常に速く計算ができる。	\N	A computer can calculate very rapidly.	CM
2374945	52936	ジョージは旅行にかかる費用を計算した。	wakatyann630	George calculated the cost of the trip.	CK
215634	52936	ジョージは旅行の費用を計算した。	\N	George calculated the cost of the trip.	CK
0	1585050	0	0	How do you calculate the volume of a cube?	Gulliver
0	1887492	0	0	I know that I calculated the bill correctly.	CK
88090	1902404	彼女は他のどの生徒よりも計算が早い。	\N	She calculates faster than any other student.	blay_paul
0	315617	0	0	She calculates as quickly as any other student.	CK
78587	325129	来年はどのくらい金がいるか計算しなさい。	\N	Calculate how much money we will need next year.	CM
112246	291431	彼はそれに100ドルかかると見積もった。	\N	He calculated that it would cost him 100 dollars.	CK
93637	507390	彼女は1500ドルの収入を得たと計算した。	\N	She calculated that she had earned 1,500 dollars.	NekoKanjya
176404	238060	計算をするとき、検算をしない。	\N	He doesn't check his figures when he's calculating.	CM
77427	326292	煉瓦職人はその塀には500個のレンガが必要だと見積もった。	\N	The bricklayer calculated that he would need 500 bricks for the wall.	CK
148420	266139	首相の演説は野党を怒らせようという意図でなされたものだった。	\N	The Prime Minister's speech was calculated to anger the opposition parties.	CK
175006	239461	原始的な計算機が、コンピューターの開発されるずっと以前に存在していた。	\N	Primitive calculating machines existed long before computers were developed.	CM
76736	326984	この式によって電場を計算してやると、結果は次のようになる。	mookeee	If you calculate the electric field using this equation, the result comes out like the following.	CM