Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Campaign"
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0	952859	0	0	Our city police have a new campaign targeting drunken driving.	CK	1
0	807141	0	0	Many campaign songs were written.	Source_VOA
0	803077	0	0	He refused to do much campaigning.	Source_VOA
0	807310	0	0	Truman campaigned until Election Day.	Source_VOA
0	804211	0	0	Eisenhower had campaigned to end the war.	Source_VOA
113094	290581	彼はその運動に関係があるのですか。	\N	Does he have anything to do with the campaign?	CM
208399	45657	その選挙運動が成功して、彼は選挙に勝った。	\N	The campaign succeeded and he won the election.	CK
0	807601	0	0	The election campaign of 1880 was not exciting.	Source_VOA
0	807624	0	0	One of the big issues in the campaign was taxes.	Source_VOA
0	807612	0	0	Communism was the biggest issue in the campaign.	Source_VOA
0	807610	0	0	Benjamin Harrison's campaign was well-organized.	Source_VOA
211787	49064	その会社は新しい広告キャンペーンをどうやって考えでしたのかしら。	\N	How did the company dream up its new ad campaign?	CM
146369	268193	省エネルギーの全国運動が展開中だ。	\N	A national campaign for energy saving is underway.	CM
0	807692	0	0	The Communists launched a major military campaign.	Source_VOA
229839	67202	ある団体が雨林を保護する運動を起こした。	\N	A group started a campaign to preserve rain forests.	CM
141032	388856	選挙運動は成功し、彼女は当選した。	\N	The campaign was successful and she won the election.	CK
141029	273543	選挙公約を果たしてくれない政治家がいる。	\N	Some politicians never make good on campaign promises.	CM
1814463	273543	選挙公約を遂行しない政治家たちもいる。	bunbuku	Some politicians never make good on campaign promises.	CM
0	923909	0	0	We have to encourage people to join the campaign and work with us.	cris
78930	324786	与党は野党非難のキャンペーンを展開しています。	\N	The ruling party is running a smear campaign against the opposition.	CK
141424	273147	宣伝活動のお陰で会社には仕事がたくさん入った。	\N	The advertising campaign generated a lot of business for the company.	CK
0	805297	0	0	The request became a hot political issue in the presidential campaign.	Source_VOA
0	1371304	0	0	We provide legal advice and strategy recommendations to various public relation campaigns.	MrShoval