0 2248444 0 0 Is it cancer? CK 1 0 2245875 0 0 I have cancer. CK 1 0 2549612 0 0 Tom had cancer. CK 1 0 1558356 0 0 Tom has cancer. Spamster 1 0 2549420 0 0 You have cancer. CK 1 117164 286501 彼の死因はガンだった。 \N He died of cancer. CK 1 108710 286501 彼は癌で死んだ。 bunbuku He died of cancer. CK 1 0 2255429 0 0 You've got cancer. CK 1 2694298 1094585 トムは癌で死んだ。 tommy_san Tom died of cancer. CK 1 0 2271860 0 0 I don't have cancer. CK 1 101268 302428 彼は肺ガンになった。 bunbuku He's got lung cancer. CK 1 0 2646448 0 0 Tom could have cancer. CK 1 101271 302426 彼は肺がんで死んだ。 bunbuku He died of lung cancer. CK 1 170345 244138 妻は癌で死んだ。 \N My wife died of cancer. CK 1 164262 250247 私のおじはガンで死んだ。 \N My uncle died of cancer. CK 1 163344 250247 私の叔父はガンで死んだ。 \N My uncle died of cancer. CK 1 162878 251635 私の父はガンで死んだ。 \N My father died of cancer. CK 1 84737 251635 父はがんで死んだ。 bunbuku My father died of cancer. CK 1 0 2956477 0 0 Tom didn't die of cancer. CK 1 2690802 2276370 トムは癌を患っている。 tommy_san Tom is suffering from cancer. CK 1 147929 266631 叔父の死因は癌だったそうです。 bunbuku I hear my uncle died of cancer. CK 1 226085 63426 がんにも治療可能なものがある。 bunbuku We can cure some types of cancer. CK 1 101266 302430 彼は肺癌を恐れている。 bunbuku He is afraid of getting lung cancer. CK 1 0 1140920 0 0 Tom was told he had cancer just recently. CK 1 183678 20801 癌は発見が間に合えば、治すことができる。 \N Cancer can be cured if discovered in time. CK 1 121321 20801 発見が間に合えば、ガンは治療できる。 bunbuku Cancer can be cured if discovered in time. CK 1 875898 682514 科学者たちは未だに癌を完治させる方法を見出していない。 thyc244 Scientists haven't found a cure for cancer yet. Source_VOA 1 1765063 282471 喫煙と肺がんには関連性がある。 bunbuku There is a connection between smoking and lung cancer. CM 1 121534 282471 肺ガンは喫煙と関係がある。 \N There is a connection between smoking and lung cancer. CM 1 992036 992043 多くのがん患者は化学療法のために髪の毛が抜けてしまう。 mookeee Many cancer patients lose their hair because of chemotherapy. CK 1 235903 73284 1955年にガンが再発し、彼女は1956年に42歳で亡くなった。 mookeee In 1955, the cancer returned and she died in 1956 at the age of 42. CM 1 226090 63430 ガンが彼の命を奪った。 \N Cancer took him. CM 93002 310707 彼女はガンのせいで死んだ。 \N She died of cancer. CK 0 680472 0 0 She's beating cancer. Source_VOA 208762 46021 その人はガンで死んだ。 \N The man died of cancer. CK 0 2646041 0 0 Is Tom dying of cancer? CK 114069 289603 彼はガンで死んだのではありません。 \N He did not die of cancer. CK 110099 1699699 彼は胃ガンで死んだ。 mookeee He died of gastric cancer. mookeee 116282 287387 彼の病気はがんかもしれない。 \N His illness may be cancer. CK 91194 312520 彼女は胃がんで死んだ。 \N She died of stomach cancer. jakov 206152 43397 その老人はガンで死んだ。 \N The old man died of cancer. CK 0 3023761 0 0 Tom has got stomach cancer. CK 0 680712 0 0 Breast cancer is a disease. Source_VOA 108428 295258 彼は去年がんで亡くなった。 \N He died of cancer last year. CK 0 1491497 0 0 That old man died of cancer. AndreoPeetermans 163324 250263 私の叔父は肺ガンで死んだ。 \N My uncle died of lung cancer. CK 84394 319321 父は肺がんで亡くなりました。 \N My father died of lung cancer. CK 0 1652274 0 0 Tanning can cause skin cancer. Spamster 225676 63013 クッキーのお母さんはガンで死んだ。 bunbuku Cookie's mother died of cancer. CK 1039548 63013 クッキーの母親は癌で亡くなりました。 bunbuku Cookie's mother died of cancer. CK