Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Carbon"
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1157306	289441	彼は父親とうり二つだ。	bunbuku	He's a carbon copy of his father.	CK	1
1157303	289441	彼は父親にそっくりだ。	bunbuku	He's a carbon copy of his father.	CK	1
114231	289441	彼はおやじにそっくりだ。	bunbuku	He's a carbon copy of his father.	CK	1
103625	289441	彼は親父とそっくりだ。	bunbuku	He's a carbon copy of his father.	CK	1
0	1027017	0	0	Tom believes he has a very low carbon footprint.	CK	1
123143	280857	二酸化炭素によって危害を被ることがある。	\N	Carbon dioxide sometimes harms people.	CK
148315	266244	樹木は酸素を排出し、二酸化炭素を吸収する。	\N	Trees give off oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.	CK
123142	280858	二酸化炭素の量は10%増加している。	\N	The amount of carbon dioxide has increased by 10 percent.	CM
81277	322438	毎日大量の二酸化炭素が生成されている。	\N	Massive amounts of carbon dioxide are generated every day.	CM
121866	282138	熱帯雨林は、酸素を作り、二酸化炭素を消費する。	\N	Tropical rainforests produce oxygen and consume carbon dioxide.	papabear
0	950927	0	0	Carbon dating was performed on the sample to determine its age.	darinmex
0	681001	0	0	Forests regulate the water cycle and take away harmful carbon dioxide.	Source_VOA
126936	277154	地球温暖化は二酸化炭素の排出と直接関係があると言われている。	\N	It is said that global warming is directly related to carbon dioxide emissions.	CK
75074	328645	一酸化炭素とは炭素化合物の不完全燃焼で発生する有害物質です。	fcbond	Carbon monoxide is a poisonous substance formed by the incomplete combustion of carbon compounds.	fcbond
0	1141316	0	0	A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide pollution that we produce as a result of our activities. Some people try to reduce their carbon footprint because they are concerned about climate change.	Source_VOA