Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Chicago"
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2978514	2635929	シカゴに行かなくてはなりません。	Fukuko	I need to go to Chicago.	meerkat	1
0	3024347	0	0	I flew from Boston to Chicago.	CK	1
0	3024387	0	0	How far is Boston from Chicago?	CK	1
0	3023236	0	0	We flew from Boston to Chicago.	CK	1
0	3023865	0	0	Tom flew from Boston to Chicago.	CK	1
152412	262138	私は来週シカゴに行きます。	bunbuku	I'm leaving for Chicago next week.	CK	1
0	3024386	0	0	How far is it from Boston to Chicago?	CK	1
0	3024262	0	0	I think Boston is nicer than Chicago.	CK	1
0	954722	0	0	Would you rather visit Boston or Chicago?	CK	1
0	2640621	0	0	Tom plans to drive from Boston to Chicago.	CK	1
1652611	1025040	トムはボストン出身だが、今はシカゴに住んでいる。	bunbuku	Tom is from Boston, but now he lives in Chicago.	CK	1
0	3023931	0	0	Tom can't be in Boston. I just saw him in Chicago.	CK	1
0	3024380	0	0	How long does it take to fly from Boston to Chicago?	CK	1
0	3148432	0	0	I grew up in Boston, but my wife comes from Chicago.	CK	1
0	3024233	0	0	I was born in Boston, but was brought up in Chicago.	CK	1
0	3024234	0	0	I was born in Boston, but I was brought up in Chicago.	CK	1
91540	312173	彼女はボストンからシカゴ経由でサンフランシスコへ旅行した。	bunbuku	She traveled from Boston to San Francisco via Chicago.	CK	1
0	3148342	0	0	Tom couldn't decide whether to go to Boston or Chicago.	CK	1
0	3148463	0	0	Do you really think I'd rather live in Boston than Chicago?	CK	1
0	2955747	0	0	Tom and Mary couldn't decide whether to go to Boston or Chicago.	CK	1
0	1144615	0	0	Tom couldn't find a decent job in Boston, so he moved to Chicago.	CK	1
0	3148319	0	0	Tom made a lot of money in Boston and then moved back to Chicago.	CK	1
0	3148322	0	0	Tom lived in Boston for three years before moving back to Chicago.	CK	1
0	3148341	0	0	Tom couldn't find a job he liked in Boston, so he moved to Chicago.	CK	1
0	2986703	0	0	Tom has finally returned to Boston after living in Chicago for three years.	CK	1
0	3148324	0	0	Tom has two brothers. One lives in Boston and the other one lives in Chicago.	CK	1
225832	63170	キャロルはシカゴに住んでいる。	\N	Carol lives in Chicago.	CK
216370	53673	シカゴで途中下車できますか。	\N	Can I stop over in Chicago?	CK
91742	311970	彼女はバスでシカゴへ行った。	\N	She went to Chicago by bus.	CK
96891	306813	彼らは車でシカゴへ行った。	\N	They went to Chicago by car.	kebukebu
0	931378	0	0	We had a layover in Chicago.	FeuDRenais
166504	247998	私たちはシカゴで途中下車した。	\N	We had a stopover in Chicago.	CK
216365	53669	シカゴのあたりでは雨が降っていました。	\N	It was raining around Chicago.	mamat
0	807081	0	0	The worst riot was in Chicago.	Source_VOA
0	807068	0	0	The Chicago Tribune was wrong.	Source_VOA
114968	288703	彼はあすシカゴをたちます。	\N	He is leaving Chicago tomorrow.	CK
235031	72408	6時半にシカゴに着きます。	\N	It'll arrive in Chicago at 6:30.	CK
111238	292445	彼ははるばるシカゴからやってきた。	\N	He came all the way from Chicago.	CK
216361	53665	シカゴ行きの便を予約したいのですが。	bunbuku	Can I reserve a flight to Chicago?	CM
216369	53674	シカゴに2ヶ月以上滞在した。	\N	I stayed in Chicago over two months.	CK
0	682507	0	0	Tom has lived in Chicago for a year.	Source_VOA
198730	35923	ニューヨークに行くにはシカゴで列車を乗り換えなさい。	\N	Change trains at Chicago for New York.	Zifre
216363	53667	シカゴまで往復一枚ください。	\N	I want a round-trip ticket to Chicago.	Zifre
166573	247929	私たちはお昼までにシカゴに着かなければならない。	\N	We should get to Chicago by lunchtime.	CK
195769	32944	マイクはシカゴに住んでいる友達がいます。	\N	Mike has a friend who lives in Chicago.	CK
216366	53670	シカゴに着いたらすぐ電話します。	\N	I'll call you as soon as I get to Chicago.	CK
150362	264195	次に到着した列車はシカゴ発だった。	\N	The next train to arrive was from Chicago.	CK
0	1532556	0	0	Next week, I'm taking the plane to Chicago.	LittleBoy
3320884	3320870	ボストンとシカゴ、どっちが好き?	tommy_san	Which do you like better, Boston or Chicago?	CK
216368	53671	シカゴに移るという彼女の決心は私たちを驚かせた。	\N	Her decision to move to Chicago surprised us.	CK