Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Collapse"
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0	2237040	0	0	Tom just collapsed.	CK	1
2451909	2451873	橋が崩れ落ちた。	b1013226_K	The bridge collapsed.	Hybrid	1
0	2891585	0	0	It's going to collapse.	CK	1
0	1868414	0	0	Tom collapsed on the floor.	CK	1
207514	44767	その塔は倒れそうだ。	mookeee	The tower is going to collapse.	CK	1
0	680534	0	0	Tom collapsed because of the heat.	Source_VOA	1
1171963	680049	その国の経済は崩壊寸前だ。	bunbuku	The country's economy is about to collapse.	Source_VOA	1
77649	326069	冷戦はソビエトの崩壊と共に終わった。	mookeee	The Cold War ended when the Soviet Union collapsed.	CK	1
100877	302820	彼は彼女の足元に崩れるように倒れた。	\N	He collapsed at her feet.	CM
104064	2768727	彼は床に倒れた。	bunbuku	He collapsed on the floor.	CM
114138	289534	彼はがっくりとなりひざをついた。	\N	He collapsed to his knees.	CM
0	2543404	0	0	Tom collapsed to the ground.	CK
235749	569732	1週間後に、その家は倒壊した。	mookeee	The house collapsed a week later.	kebukebu
85878	317833	佐藤さんは疲れ切って倒れた。	Scott	Mr. Sato collapsed from exhaustion.	Scott
0	2724107	0	0	Tom suffered from a collapsed lung.	Hybrid
0	842635	0	0	This building is about to collapse.	sacredceltic
187005	24142	家は地震で倒れた。	\N	The house collapsed in an earthquake.	Swift
210891	48162	その古い橋は今にも崩れ落ちそうだ。	\N	The old bridge is in danger of collapse.	CM
0	680535	0	0	The bank collapsed during the recession.	Source_VOA
0	2163152	0	0	The building collapsed in the earthquake.	Source_VOA
0	2640509	0	0	Tom walked a few steps, and then collapsed.	CK
0	807521	0	0	Within one year, the stock market collapsed.	Source_VOA
0	842636	0	0	This building is on the verge of collapsing.	sacredceltic
141986	272584	雪の重さで家がつぶれた。	\N	The house collapsed under the weight of snow.	CK
3045271	19789	休み取らないと倒れちゃうよ。	tommy_san	If you don't take a vacation, you'll collapse.	NekoKanjya
182658	19789	休暇を取らないと、体が参ってしまいますよ。	\N	If you don't take a vacation, you'll collapse.	NekoKanjya
212087	49367	その家は今にも倒壊しそうだった。	\N	The house seemed about to collapse at any moment.	CM
0	1658062	0	0	We can't stay here. The roof is about to collapse!	Spamster
0	2474228	0	0	The bridge collapsed when one of the cables broke.	sharptoothed
0	1517847	0	0	MIT has predicted global economic collapse by 2030.	Spamster
0	680533	0	0	The software company collapsed during the recession.	Source_VOA
0	2163159	0	0	The government collapsed after a vote in parliament.	Source_VOA
198756	35951	ニュースはソ連崩壊のものばかりだった。	\N	The news was all about the collapse of the Soviet Union.	CK
789590	789597	昨日、日本では地震が原因で多くの建物が倒壊しました。	arihato	A lot of buildings collapsed in Japan due to the earthquake yesterday.	Zifre
180121	18981	橋は強い流れに耐えられず崩壊した。	\N	The bridge couldn't sustain the force of the strong current and collapsed.	Zifre