0 2953906 0 0 We're competitors, not partners. CK 1 108401 295285 彼は競争相手よりもあらゆる点で優っている。 \N He is superior to his competitors in everything. CM 214470 51762 すべての競合会社がパイの分け前を得ようとしています。 \N All the competitors are trying to get their piece of the pie. CK 75798 327920 彼の4人抜きの活躍でうちの高校のチームが優勝しました。 mookeee His beating four competitors in a row won our high school team the championship. CK 0 918473 0 0 My friend recommended that I shouldn't buy an iPad yet, but to wait until I see what Apple's competitors come out with. CK