0 2645196 0 0 What have you concluded? CK 1 96384 307321 彼らは彼が嘘をついていたという結論を下した。 mookeee They concluded that he had told a lie. CM 1 0 1095232 0 0 Tom concluded his speech with a proverb. CK 1 0 1258325 0 0 They concluded he was lying. CK 232564 69934 あなたはそれからどんな結論を下しますか。 \N What do you conclude from that? CM 1116872 2674465 彼らは彼が嘘をついていたという結論に達した。 mookeee They concluded that he was lying. WestofEden 188249 25390 音楽会は国歌で幕となった。 \N The concert concluded with the National Anthem. CK 155361 259178 私は早合点して彼がうそをついているのだと決めつけてしまった。 \N I was too hasty in concluding that he was lying. CM 191084 28244 委員会は反対という結論を出した。 \N The commission concluded that the answer was no. chatparle 170262 244222 裁判官はその囚人が有罪であると決断を下した。 \N The judge concluded that the prisoner was guilty. Nero 208698 45957 その政策は失敗であると結論を下さなければならない。 \N We have to conclude that the policy is a failure. Zifre 170264 244220 裁判官は、その囚人が無罪だと結論をくだした。 \N The judge concluded that the prisoner was innocent. CK 235895 73276 1978年に日本と中国との間に平和条約が結ばれた。 mookeee In 1978 a peace treaty was concluded between Japan and China. Eldad 216269 53573 しかしながら、500万円は高いと思います。 \N We concluded, however that the price of 5,000,000 yen was too high. CK 0 1737325 0 0 The investigation concluded that the police officer had done nothing wrong. Spamster 208865 46123 その新しい企画について3時間話し合って、私たちはアンドリューの計画が一番だという結論に達した。 \N Having discussed the new project for three hours, we concluded that Andrew's plan was the best. CK