Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Constantly"
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117294	286370	彼の妻は彼に一日中がみがみ言っている。	bunbuku	His wife nags him constantly.	CM	1
2973702	2973691	トムとメアリーはしょっちゅうケンカしてる。	Fukuko	Tom and Mary fight constantly.	Hybrid	1
93259	310449	彼女はいつも手紙を書いている。	bunbuku	She is constantly writing letters.	CK	1
1200723	1312225	彼はひっきりなしに他人を批評する。	mookeee	He constantly criticizes other people.	NekoKanjya	1
113515	290158	彼はしょっちゅう私にお金を借りていた。	mookeee	He was constantly borrowing money from me.	CK	1
0	2973690	0	0	They fight constantly.	Hybrid
0	2867561	0	0	She watches TV constantly.	Dejo
0	2879018	0	0	I constantly talk to myself.	corvard
114599	289072	彼はいつもぶつぶつ言っている。	\N	He is constantly complaining.	CK
0	2948361	0	0	I lied constantly to my wife.	AlanF_US
96708	306996	彼らは絶えずけんかばかりしていた。	\N	They were constantly quarreling.	CM
161374	253143	私はいつも人の名を忘れてばかりいる。	\N	I am constantly forgetting names.	CK
170369	244114	妻と私はしょっちゅう口論する。	\N	I constantly quarrel with my wife.	CK
0	922368	0	0	He was constantly bullied at school.	Martha
217256	54564	コンピューターはたえず改良されている。	\N	Computers are constantly being improved.	CK
155504	259034	私は絶えず人の名前を忘れて困る。	\N	I am constantly forgetting people's names.	CK
81375	322340	妹は絶えず漫画を読んでいます。	\N	My sister is constantly reading comic books.	CK
216653	53959	サリーはしょっちゅう髪型を変えていた。	\N	Sally was constantly changing her hairstyle.	CK
94837	308870	彼女に御行儀よくしなさいといつも言っている。	\N	I'm constantly telling her to behave herself.	CK
118369	285294	彼のお母さんはそのことで絶えず愚痴をこぼしています。	\N	His mother is constantly complaining about it.	CK
227723	65076	おじはいつも家族に波風を立てるようなことをする。	\N	My uncle constantly causes his family trouble.	CK
96823	306881	彼らは常にお互いの上に出ようとしています。	\N	They are constantly trying to outdo each other.	CK
112077	291601	彼はたえず他人のあらさがしばかりしている。	\N	He is constantly finding fault with other people.	CK
162697	251817	私の母はいつも人の名前を忘れている。	\N	My mother is constantly forgetting people's names.	CK
97217	306485	彼らは顧客との関係を向上させようと絶えず努力している。	\N	They strive constantly to improve customer relations.	CK
124564	57847	都会に人は誰でも、いつも活動しているようにみえる。	\N	Everyone in the city appears to be constantly on the go.	CM
220524	57847	この町の人は皆いつも忙しく活動しているようだ。	\N	Everyone in the city appears to be constantly on the go.	CM
161370	253147	私はいつも祖父母の元気さに驚きます。	\N	I am constantly amazed at the energy of my grandparents.	CK
0	597330	0	0	My small bladder has me constantly running to the bathroom.	darinmex
0	2946069	0	0	Tom and Mary's relationship was very volatile and they argued constantly.	patgfisher
0	2967231	0	0	I've been trying to reach Tom for hours already, but his line is constantly busy.	patgfisher
198907	36104	なんでも人のやることをコピっている人は、何も考えていないんだろうな。	\N	People who are constantly copying others do it because they can't think for themselves.	TRANG
0	847242	0	0	The man who is constantly making decisions and being compelled to alter them gets nowhere.	Source_Benedict_1921