Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Cope"
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0	2891361	0	0	How will they cope?	CK	1
0	1834173	0	0	How did Tom cope with the problem?	CK	1
92695	311014	彼女はストレスに対処できない。	bunbuku	She is unable to cope with stress.	CK	1
0	1095218	0	0	Tom coped with the situation calmly.	CK	1
0	2450990	0	0	How does Tom plan to cope with the problem?	CK	1
0	2450993	0	0	Tom has trouble coping with people like Mary.	CK	1
159819	254703	私はその問題をうまくこなしきれないかもしれない。	\N	I may not be able to cope with those problems.	CK	1
0	1834174	0	0	How do you think Tom will cope with the situation?	CK	1
2902740	1025007	トムは息子が自殺したという事実を受け入れられずにいる。	tommy_san	Tom is having trouble coping with the fact that his son committed suicide.	CK	1
119173	284490	彼と張り合えるものはいない。	\N	No one can cope with him.	CK
0	755265	0	0	She can't cope with stress.	sctld
112361	291316	彼はその問題に対処できる。	\N	He can cope with the problems.	CK
88581	315126	彼女は心労に打ち勝てなかった。	\N	She could not cope with anxiety.	CK
101547	302147	彼は難問をうまく処理するだろう。	\N	He'll cope with difficult problems.	CM
112747	290929	彼はその事態に迅速に対応した。	\N	He promptly coped with the situation.	CM
74548	329171	彼は困難な事態に対処することが出来ない。	fcbond	He can't cope with difficult situations.	fcbond
185922	23054	我々は幾多の困難を克服しなければならない。	\N	We have to cope with hosts of difficulties.	al_ex_an_der
97869	305835	彼らはその難局をうまく切り抜けられなかった。	\N	They could not cope with those difficulties.	CK
0	2956516	0	0	Tom didn't know how to cope with the problem.	CK
211816	49093	その会社は急激な変化に対処できなかった。	\N	The company couldn't cope with sudden changes.	CK
177708	16560	君はそれらの難問題に対処しなくてはならない。	\N	You have to cope with those difficult problems.	Swift
177709	16560	君はそれらの難題に対処しなくてはならない。	\N	You have to cope with those difficult problems.	Swift
175967	238498	激しい嵐に対処する準備をしておくべきだ。	\N	We have to be prepared to cope with violent storms.	CM
122217	281786	日本政府は、その問題に対処することができない。	\N	The Japanese government can't cope with the problem.	U2FS
98176	1337395	彼らはうまく処理するだろう。	\N	They'll probably be able cope with the difficulties.	CM
212353	49636	その医者はこのような非常事態に対処する方法を知っていた。	\N	The doctor knew how to cope with an emergency like this.	CM
0	2956253	0	0	Tom can't cope very well with these kinds of situations.	CK
122472	281531	日本は高齢化社会に対処しようとしています。	\N	Japan is trying to cope with the aging of its population.	CK
118974	284689	彼にはその問題に対処する十分な経験がなかった。	\N	He didn't have enough experience to cope with the problem.	CK
0	1093475	0	0	Tom is having trouble coping with the high cost of living.	CK
220947	58269	この世にある人は誰でも多くの困難に対処しなければならない。	\N	Everybody in this world has to cope with a lot of difficulties.	CM
0	2957732	0	0	Tom probably won't be able to cope with the problem by himself.	CK
216447	53751	ジェーンは事故の後、交通量の激しい所ではうまく運転できないように感じた。	mookeee	Jane felt unable to cope with driving in heavy traffic after her accident.	CM
0	2999426	0	0	Tom was not coping at school, and was diagnosed as a slow learner in second grade.	patgfisher